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Cheryl barged into the basketball court and stared all of the players down.

"Are you kidding me? The court was for River Vixen rehearsal today!"

Reggie Mantle stopped the guys and turned to the Vixens.

"Chill, Blossom. We can move the practice to half court and your Vixens can practice at the other half."

Cheryl strut over to them, glaring Reggie down. "I don't think you've realized the number of things wrong with that suggestion."

Reggie looked back at the basketball team, and they all looked confused. Cheryl narrowed her eyes at them, and then returned her attention back to Reggie.

"Not only will the basketballs flying around everywhere possibly hurt my Vixens, but I'd rather not subject my ladies to being ogled by horny teenage boys when they're trying to rehearse."

Reggie scoffed. "We don't ogle, okay? We don't even know what that means."

"It means to stare in an inappropriate manner."

Both Cheryl and Reggie turned to see David entering the gym. Veronica squared her shoulders and made eye contact with Betty. Betty nodded, and the both of them approached Cheryl, standing on either side of her in a defensive manner.

Reggie looked David up and down. "And who the hell are you, shorty?"

David licked at his lower lip and scoffed. He was offended by the nickname, but he kept himself in check.

"Name's David. David Andrews."

Reggie raised an eyebrow. "Andrews? Any relation to Archie?"

David crossed his arms and nodded. "We're cousins."

Reggie nodded. "Okay. But what are you doing here?" Reggie asked the question as if David's presence was disturbing him.

Veronica scoffed and lowered her head behind her hand, trying not to laugh. Betty bit her lip to hold in a smirk herself. Cheryl, however, could only hold a glare in David's direction.

"I clearly missed tryouts, but I was hoping I can still join the team."

Reggie started laughing, and so did the rest of the boys' basketball team. David furrowed his brows and crossed his arms again. He looked over at Cheryl and offered a smile with a quick wink before turning back to the Mantle boy.

"What's so funny?" David asked lowly.

Reggie stepped forward and poked David in the chest. "You're not even five-ten, at best. What makes you think you can qualify as a basketball player?"

David clenched his jaw. There was something dark brewing in his eyes, and Cheryl felt a chill run down her spine.

"Is that a challenge?" David whispered.

"Excuse me?"

David nodded. "Actually, yeah." He started removing his backpack and then his jacket. "How 'bout me against your team? If I can't get it into the basket, I'll walk away. But if I make it in once, I'm on the team."

Reggie looked over his shoulder at his teammates, all of whom nodded in agreement. He turned back and the corner of his lips lifted.

"Deal," Reggie said.

Cheryl scoffed and rolled her eyes. She turned to address her Vixens. "Let's go ladies. We have practice still."

"Hang on, cherry girl." Cheryl looked over her shoulder at David with a scowl. "I'd like my lucky charm with me." He winked at her and bit his lower lip before turning back around and facing the basketball team.

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