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    Aunt Cecilia was sitting across from Cheryl, and Uncle Reginald sat next to Aunt Cecilia. Cecilia sipped at her tea, eyeing Nana Rose over her teacup; Cheryl's grandmother was giving the two of them an icy glare.

    Cheryl gently cleared her throat. "So, I'm already aware this isn't a social visit. Mind explaining what it is that couldn't be said over the phone?"

    Cecilia directed a gentle, but uneasy, smile in Cheryl's direction. "Yes, Cheryl. Now we can get into that."

     Reginald leaned down and removed something from his briefcase. Cheryl inhaled deeply at the sight of the folder that was pushed in her direction. And then a pen was placed on top.

    "We would like you to sign these," Reginald said.

    Cheryl exhaled the breath she held, reaching forward with shaky hands and opening the folder. She twirled the pen between her fingers as she silently read over the documents. The further she read, the more her brows furrowed.

    "I'm confused," she admitted, looking back at her aunt and uncle. "These papers ..."

    Cecilia nodded. "That's right. After your father's death, the maple syrup company would have been passed down to Jason. With your brother's unfortunate passing, your mother received custody."

     Cheryl looked down at the signature she recognized; her mother's. It was signed over the line that said Giver of Property. The empty signature line was for Recipient of Property.

     "She willingly signed this?"

      Reginald narrowed his eyes. "She was very possessive at first, but we convinced her it was the right decision in the end."

     Cheryl looked at him from beneath her lashes. His face was unreadable. "What makes you believe handing the ownership to me was the right decision?"

    Cecilia laughed lightly. "Please, honey, you're the only rightful heiress. And we don't want to give it to Grandmother Rose, who is becoming too old to inherit more." She glanced at Nana Rose, with her smile gone suddenly. "No offense."

    "Hmph," was all Nana Rose expressed, still fixing them with the cold gaze.

     "It won't happen right away; the rest of the family needs to be here for this," Reginald added.

     Cheryl's brows lifted as she looked at her uncle with judgement. "The last time the Blossoms were all under the same roof, I was told I could never carry the Blossom legacy. I was chastised and then cast aside." She placed her forearms onto the table and interlaced her fingers. "So, now, tell me why your minds changed?"

    Cecilia sighed. "We don't trust your mother, your father was a crook, and we were convinced you'd follow their lead. Instead, you emancipated yourself from your mother and saved your grandmother from her clutches. There's a certain respect you've now gained from us. Is that so hard to believe?"

    Cheryl pursed her lips in thought. Looking back down at the papers, she realized if she signed them she'd be part of the business. She'd have to oversee it, check up on all the departments, take responsibility for certain things. There's more to running a business than just putting your name on it.

    Cheryl closed the file. "Can I wait until our family arrives before I sign anything? I'd like to listen to what everyone else has to say."

    Cecilia sat forward. "I understand, but I should also warn you; some of them will try to take your father's portion for themselves, and they'll do anything to get it. If I were you, I'd be prepared for the worst."

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