1. Strangers

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„Xiumin, stop !", you screamed when he tickled you.

„Come on, where is the off button ! You have been working all day long. Will you surrender and come to bed now ?"

„No! The house is still a mess!"

„Then I have no choice.", he said when his mouth went for your neck.

„Aah, no! You're gonna wake them !", you laughed.

„Wake who ?", he asked playfully and you fell to the floor when he finally gave you a break.

„Hey, it's my parents who are coming. I'll get up early tomorrow and do the rest. Okay ?"

„But it's your last free day."

" I'm not doing this for you, but for me."

" In what way ?"

" If I'm not being a good husband you might forget all the nice things I did for you and run away from me. What am I supposed to do if that happens ?"

He hugged you from behind.

„I'll never forget that you're a good husband. This isn't even a good excuse."

„But not a bad one either."

„Come on, let's go to bed."

He laid his full weight on your shoulder.

„Carry me..."

„You're too fat.", you laughed again and placed a kiss on his head.


The room was too bright when you woke up. You were in hospital. There were doctors gathering around you.

„I didn't see it coming.", you mumbled. You wanted to sit up, but a doctor prevented you from doing it.

„Your head got injured in a car accident. But we were able to stabilize you. What is the last thing you remember, Mrs. Kim ?"

„My Name is not Mrs. Kim..."

You carefully touched your head.

„I didn't see it coming..."

„What are you talking about ?"

„The car that hit my bike. It was out of nowhere."

You saw the doctors exchanging a look.

„What is the last thing you remember ?"

„There were some mean girls at school. And I was not very focused on what I was doing. I went home by bike and a car that came out of nowhere hit me. It was a car, isn't that right ?", you asked confusedly.

„Mrs. Kim, can you please tell us how old you are ?"

„I recently turned sixteen."

A terrifying silence filled the room.

„The accident you are talking about happened eleven years ago, and you only had slight injuries. You were driving a car that was hit by a truck a few days ago."

„I don't understand... I really don't understand."

You looked at your hands, then down your body. It felt different. You needed a mirror.

You tried to get up, but fell of the bed instead and two arms wrapped around your shoulders.
It was one of the doctors. Though he wasn't wearing white. His eyes were so warm. Full of concern. He said your name.

„Who are you ?", you hesitantly asked.

„I'm your husband.", he said with a shaky voice.

He hugged you, but you pushed him away.

You now saw your reflection in the mirror. An adult was looking at you.

" Please look at me. You're my wife. You love me... You remember, don't you ?"

„Where is my family ?", you asked the doctors.

Your parents arrived a little later. Your mother held you in her arms while you were crying.

„What is happening...", you said.

„Oh sweetie. Don't worry now. We're going to tell you everything you need to know."

And they did. You were a journalist and pretty happy with your job. The name of your husband was Minseok. But everyone called him Xiumin. You had married him at a pretty young age, which your parents didn't exactly welcome at the beginning. But now they seemed to think differently.

You took your wedding ring off, not being able to look at it in this moment.

„Can I come home ?", you asked your parents.

„The doctors said your memory will come back the fastest in your current familiar environment. You should go with Xiumin, YN."

"He's a stranger ! To me..."

" We know that it's confusing. But we want you to get well soon. He always took good care of you. Trust us, dear."

You got into the car without saying a word. Complete silence dominated when Xiumin drove you home. You sometimes looked at him, but every time he looked back you looked away. He looked terrible. He was without doubt the kind of man that many girls in your school would have a crush on if he was a teacher or something. But he looked exhausted and worried.

He cleared his throat.

„No matter what's on your mind. Don't hesitate to ask, okay ? The doctors said there's a good chance of your memories coming back. You are going to remember, Honey."

Being called that by him sent an uncomfortable feeling through your body.

„Could you call me... Y/N ?"

Maybe I'm his wife... and my parents might like him. But he's a stranger. And way older than me.

„Uhm... sure."

He offered you his hand to help you out of the car, but you just walked past him.

The house was warm and welcoming from the inside. But a mess at the same time.

„So this is our home. It's usually not like this ! I've been a little stressed since you were in hospital. Let me just clean some things up quickly !"

He started cleaning up everything that was messy and you watched him.
He explained how to use everything in the house while he walked around. You studied his figure and the worried look on his face.

" If you need anything at night, just wake me up. I usually don't have to get up too early."

„Don't you have to work ?", you asked.

„ I work at the police department. It's not like your job, just part-time."

So I'm gaining all the money, and he just...?

„Because of the kids.", he said.

Kids ??

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