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You could see the sun setting. Everything you had gone through resulted in this moment. You were standing in front of him. Gathered by your parents, and his parents. Su-Jeong, Kai, Baekhyun, Jongdae, Kyungsoo, Yixing, Junmyeon, Sehun and Chanyeol. Some of your close friends and colleagues, including Luhan and his girlfriend. As well as some of his.

„Xiumin. I wouldn't ever have enough time to mention all the things I love about you. But if I had to choose the most important one it would be that you helped me find the way back when I was completely lost. Back to you... and back to myself. I promise from this day forward to be grateful for our love and our life, to be generous with my time, my energy and my affection, to fill our life with adventure. To love you completely and...-"

" There are angry men coming.", Haneul said.

„Oh damn it's the security ! Hurry !", Baekhyun shouted.

" And these things I pledge before you, our friends and our family !", you quickly finished, looking him in the eyes.

„Let's come to the point ! Xiumin, do you take Y/N to be your wife?", Junmyeon said quickly.

„I do. Now and forever."

„Y/N, do you take Xiumin to be your husband ?"

„Three words. Yes I do."

„By the power of your love - and so on and so on - I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the groom, RUN !"

You both shared a passionate kiss, before you picked your children up and followed your friends and family who were already leaving the rooftop, screaming and laughing. The place where it all began and your very favorite spot.

„You two again ! How often do I have to tell you visitors are not allowed !", the security man shouted and ran after you.

" Come on kids, who wants to play tag !", Xiumin said.

" No one told me this was illegal !", your dad shouted.

Oh no... the others will make it, but they're gonna get us four.

" You keep running, we'll distract them !", Jongin said. " Ready, Honey ?"

" Ready !", Sujeong shouted, and they started running in a different direction.

Thanks to them you made it out of the building. You rested under a giant statue, catching your breaths, not stopping to laugh.

" Plum ? Baby ? Are you okay ?", you asked the kids and smiled at them.

" I'm okay mommy.", your daughter said and grinned.

" Mee to.", your son said.

„ And you, Honey ?"

" I'm just fine.", Xiumin said.

" So... what should I do as your now fully official and in-official wife ?", you asked him.

„Just remember me. ", he said and pushed a few strands of your hair back. „Me, and Hyunjae and Haneul. And Sujeong... and everyone else. Always remember us, my love."

The kids giggled when you two hugged, squeezing them a little between you and kissing again.

When I was 27, I forgot about my husband's existence. I forgot about our marriage and everything we had shared. But our love and the promise we gave each other, was so deep, that we mastered everything. Ups and downs. And I fell in love with him all over again. Until today I can not remember everything of my life with him. I'm pretty sure that I will never get all my memories back. But today I'm remembering one thing. And tomorrow I'll be able to remember another. And meanwhile... I'm just gonna keep his love in my heart. And give my love to him. And to our kids. And to all the people who love me. Forever.

" Daddy, I have a question.", your daughter asked.

" Yes, sweetie ?"

" Did mommy give you your wedding present ?"

He chuckled.

" She's the bride, my darling. She doesn't have to give me a present."

" But mommy, you said you have a wedding present for daddy in your belly."

Xiumin's eyes almost popped out of his head and you smiled.

" Looks like someone blew my cover."


" Pregnant ? You're pregnant ??", Xiumin asked you.

You nodded and smiled shyly at him.

" Y/N ! That's great ! I... I don't know what to say ! We're going to become a family !"

" But Xiumin... what if it's too early ? We're only twenty-five, and sometimes I feel like a child myself. What if I'm a miserable mother ?"

" Not considering everything that could go wrong... -because something could always go wrong, no matter how long you wait-... Are you happy ?"

You couldn't hold your smile in as tears of joy began flowing down your face.

" I've never been so happy in my whole life."

He took your hands, giving them a little squeeze.

" I'm here. No matter what happens. If you feel stressed or don't know what to do. I promise I'll always be there for you. And for her, or him. Even if we have two babies. I'll take this step with you and every step after that."

" No, not two. I want three. Let's have three children, Xiumin."

He chuckled.

" Fine. Three children. And I'll protect them with my life. I'll even stay at home and cook for them everyday if you want me to."

" Sure, that's what they all say.", you giggled.

" Hey, I'm serious. No matter what happens. Even the craziest thing, Y/N. Our love will always be strong enough to master everything. You'll see."

" Promise ?"

You stuck your pinkie out and it intertwined with his.

" Promise."


The End.

Thanks to everyone who read and enjoyed this story ! It was really fun to write it <3

I might add some deleted scenes later. Stay healthy !

Edit: Thanks for 200 reads !!

Edit: Over 300 ! You guys rock ! (This might be little to most people, but I really had no expectations and I'm happy !)


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