The Mistreated

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Smack. Kick. Punch. The sound repeated over and over as Joy was beaten by Joanne.

"You are nothing. Nothing to me, nothing to your father. You are only a fault. It was your fault that he left. Your fault why my family left. Your fault that we are stuck here, with no food or money. Your fault why I am starving, when I should be treated like a queen next to my husband. But no.You came along and he had to leave. It's All. Your. Fault." The words spinned around Joy's head during school. 'Your fault.' 'Nothing. You are nothing.' 'You will never be loved. Everyone hates you. Can't you see that?' 'Stop it, stop it, make it STOP!' Black tendrils of shadow lashed out and created a sphere around Joy. Then, 'This won't be the last of me...'

There was a sudden disturbance in the area around MS 67. 'What in Dad's name...?' Nico went to check it out. He was supposed to go there anyway. Apparently he had to go to school to make 'friends' because he's a 'socially deprived weirdo', as his dad said. Anyways, on a more important matter, some lost ghost was hanging around there because she didn't want to accept the fact that she died and tried hanging around with her old friends. Then she realized that none of them could see her, but could hear her, and was freaking out. So, sjhe decided to give a few spooks to her old bullies that made her go on edge and kill herself. She tormented her bullies and sent them to a mental hospital and all, but she didn't want to stop there. She wanted to show the pain that she went through to all of the people in her school. She would whisper their deepest fears, she would relive their most painful memories...'No. I have to make it stop. This girl is making too many innocent people go crazy. It has to stop. But first, I should check that explosion...' Sirens were wailing. Police were trying to keep the crowd contained. Firemen were going through the wreckage, hoping to find survivors. Most were alive, not many were harmed at all, just spooked. But there was one student left in the building. Her name was...Hope?

Joy stood up. Her head was pounding, and she felt as if she had gone through a week without sleep or food. She was completely drained. She realized that she only had a few moments before she fell into unconciousness. But before the world looked black, she felt a hand on her arm. 'Mom? No. She wouldn't be here...Would she?'

Nico walked towards the almost unconcious girl. He touched her arm and then jerked it away, as if him touching her would kill her. He thought, 'I've got to get this girl out of here.' Then the world went black.

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