The Idea...Which Epiclly Fails

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A few days after the Breaking of the Cord...

"Joy, we have to get out."

"No duh. What have we been fucking dong for the last three days, huh? We've been searching every bit of this cell that we can reach for an escape route. But we HAVEN'T."

"No, Joy. There's one more."

"Where? Where have I not searched for the last thre days?"

"Under the bed, genius. Have you checked?"

"Um, the bed is concrete, and there is no space whatsoever underneath it. So, no?"

"No. Have you heard of the Mist?" Nico had been trying to explain that the godly world was real for thelast few day while searching, and still wasn't finished, because he was too tired or weary to talk and work at the same time. 

"No, why?" Nothing stirred Joy up than learning about the mythological world.

"Well, the Mist is basically a kind of sorcery that can trick mortals, demgods and gods too, if it's really really strong. If kind of hides the real thing and makes the victim think it's something else."

"Okay, cool. But how does this relate to what we're doing?"

"You're not getting the point. We might be the victims of the Mist. This bed could have an underneath, only we think its concrete!"

"Yeah, great. but how do we then disspell the Mist to se the bottom? Because it feels pretty solid to me." Joy knocked on the seemingly solid bed. 

"That's the problem. I don't know how."

"UGH!!! Why would you tell me this if you don't know how?"

"I don't know...maybe you could figure it out wih me?" Nico muttered sheepishly.

"Oh my gods..." A new voice cut in.


"Wait! Who the hell is *********???"

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