The Bonding

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After everyone was sorted out, Joy found out that they were all prisoners, but the Flock had escaped from their cell and the guards had thought that they had escaped completely, and not just from the cell. Fang had been filling everyone in on the guard change schedules through his invisibility power. However, they had not round an escape route yet. "But with Nico," Fang said, "I can be shadow traveled into their meeting area. I can't exactly pick locks, and Iggy can't turn invisible." Which made sense. Sadly. Joy hated him already. However, in the end, Fang turned out to be a valuable team player. Even if he scared the crap out of Joy when he suddenly reaches out, breaking the invisibility spell right in front of her. She hated Fang. But they became close friends as he told her the many adventures the Flock and he had. Even if he was the teensiest bit annoying--scratch that. Annoying was everything he was. A lot like Nico actually. As Joy thought, she realized how much Nico and Fang had in common. The color black in their clothes, their hair, their eyes; their silence (besides when they talked to her. Then they would go crazy. During meetings about progress, Joy would always find Fang and Nico sharing looks with one another, and sometimes finding them slipping away into the shadows, seemingly invisible, and talk in a language that...that Joy realized she could actually understand. That was weird. She wasn't even fluent in English! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2014 ⏰

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