The End...Of the Introductions!!! (Finally!)

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"Okay, I owe you an apology. My name is Max. Max Ride. and this is Fang, Total, and Gazzy. And we are The Flock. " Newcomer 2 said. As she said Fang, she pointed to Newcomer 1, and for Total and Gazzy, gestured to two newcomers, a boy and a dog. But then Joy seemed to realize something when she asked something to Max. 

"Hey, but before I heard voices. And it wasn't from you (Max) or Fang."

"Um, well, you see..." Max said.

"I can talk. Do you have a problem with that?" The voice from before spoke. But it wasn't from Max or Fang or Gazzy. Which meant...

"Wait. You can talk? But you're a dog!"

"Yeah, I'm a dog. So?"

"Uh, nothing. never mind."

"Anyways, if we're done with that conversation, I have a question. Who are you? We have given you our names and our trust easily. So you should too." Max said, sternly. 

"Yeah, only because di Angelo's here." Fang muttered.

"Fang, shut up. Now, girl. Talk." Max snapped at Fang, then turned to me.

"Well, my name is Hope. Joy Hope. And what want to know is your relationship with Peasant Boy over there." Joy replied. 

"Heh. Peasant Boy." Iggy said. "Nice."

"Thanks." Joy replied.

"You know, I thought I told you not to call me that!" Nico whisper-yelled.

"Whatever." Joy said, smugly. 

"Hey, can we not get off topic? We've spent almost 20 minutes just introducing ourselves. And we're not even done!" Nico exclaimed. Probably to get the topic off him. Joy thought. 

"Nico's right. We shouldn't get off topic. We're wasting precious time. We should be using this time to try and escape!" Max said, all leader-ishly. 

"Okay, then! Let's get to work!" 

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