Chapter 4

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A/N:   Oh my god it's been two years! I am so sorry for the wait, when I was writing this I was in the middle of moving and I honestly forgot where I was going with this. I hope that there's still an audience for this cause I know the fandom's probably died down by now, but ayyyy who's excited for REmake 2??? Anyway, enjoy!


  The next few years were an awful, never-ending cycle of torture for Jolene. She was forced to stay within the confines of her new bed, trapped within the white walls of the mines. The sheets she sat upon were scratchy against her bare skin, and within these few weeks, cuts and bruises had emerged on her skin. This, however, was not because of her sheets. Lucas did this; one of her best friends since childhood and one of the few people she actually trusted. Within time, she felt like a fool. She felt cheated. But most importantly, she was broken.

He came in every other day. He didn't just want sex, but most of the time it was that, or it was something that would lead to sex later on. Again, it was a viscous cycle she was subjected to on the daily. Jolene missed the sweet taste of freedom, she missed her family and her friends (her old friends, that is, not the ones she barely recognized). Lucas, on the other hand, couldn't seem to realize that what he was doing was not helping him in any way, shape, or form. He loved her, he had all along. This infection had given him the strength to do what he had wanted to do all along. He wanted to make her his, and in his messed up state of mind, this was the only way to do it.

The next time he came in, she looked as if she could be dead. Lucas thought that she was sleeping at first, but then he realized that she wasn't breathing. He couldn't have cared less at first, but then something within compelled him to save her. With a groan, he made his way to her. Leaning over her limp body, he silently searched for any signs of life. He was able to find a pulse. It didn't take too long for her hand to shoot up and reach for his neck successfully, her small hands wrapping around his neck and squeezing. His hands grasping at her arms as she threw him down onto the bed.

"The key." She spat.

"Where's the fucking key for this thing?" She then moved her foot so he knew what she meant. His eyes began to bulge, but he refused to blink. No matter how badly she wanted to snap his neck, she couldn't do it, and he knew she wouldn't; because they both knew that she couldn't kill him, or else she'd die in there.

His eyes began to roll back and his eyelids lowered, forcing her to let go. She was still on him, though, as he gasped for air and tried to claw away from her.

"Where is the key, Lucas?" He weakly reaches for his pocket, where he extracts a ring of keys. Hastily, Jolene grabs them and immediately got to work on the shackle on her leg. Lucas sat up and pulled himself away from her to watch her struggle to find the right key, and when she did she was going to get severely punished. They jingled as she went through them, trying her best to jam it into the cuff on her ankle, only to find that it wouldn't fit and move on to the next key. And repeat.

Each time she would look over her shoulder, she'd see Lucas standing in the middle of the room, watching on, the look of anger present on his face. He was waiting. She had to get out of there. She had to get that thing off of her ankle or she'd regret it for the rest of her life. After a few moments of waiting and frustration, he began to move toward her.

"Don't you fucking come near me." She practically growled. Lucas visibly jumped back as he saw it. Her teeth were bared, and he could see the fangs that had grown in. Her veins were showing through her pale skin, but they weren't the usual color of veins. He soon realized that his dear Jolene was turning. If he wasn't careful, she might actually be able to hurt him. He knew he had to work fast. If Jolene was turning she'd soon be under Eveline's influence... and he couldn't have that, could he?

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