Chapter 8

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  "Zoe? Anybody? Please. I'm still alive, I'm here, and I know that people are probably lookin' for me."

"Jolene." Zoe muttered in a broken voice. She smiled, bitter tears coming to her eyes at the sight of her long lost friend.

"Or at least I hope they are. I just want the person who's watching this to know that I'm alive! I'm alive but I don't know for how long. I... I think I've been infected with somethin'. I saw somethin' the other day before I was given some sort of medicine, I didn't hallucinate after that."

"Oh no." Zoe reacted. If Jolene was infected, that meant that it would be harder to help both her and herself.

"But I know that I have these powers of some sort, and I don't want to end up like those monsters out there. If anybody finds this, send help. Please, I'm in the-"

"What the fuck are ya doin'?" Lucas shouted. Zoe could see the fear on Jolene's face.

"N-nothin' please don't. Don't hurt me." The film went blurry as it was ripped from Jolene's hands. Zoe leaned forward, waiting to see what happened. She could hear the sounds of keys, and then the sound of a chain rattling. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she knew it wasn't good. There was definitely a skirmish, she was trying to fight back, that much Zoe knew. The camera focused again and she could see what was happening.

Lucas had Jolene by her hair again, she was on her knees, and he was shouting at her. She was in tears, absolutely terrified.

"I asked ya a fuckin' question." He said to her. She looked at the camera and began to sob, knowing that she was doomed. Lucas threw her down and picked the camera up, observing it briefly.

"Oh. Are ya makin' a film for me? One of those sexy types?" He asked sarcastically. Zoe felt sick. She had been searching for Jolene ever since her parents had called, saying that they hadn't been able to contact her since she left for college. Zoe knew that she wasn't like that. She'd answer their calls and texts. She wouldn't just forget about them.

Now Zoe knew where she was. She knew she was alive and well, hopefully. From what she could tell, Jolene was in the mines. The walls and floor were all white and there were LED lanterns hanging up on the walls. Jolene was always terrified of the mines, and as a child Zoe would stay outside with her when Lucas decided he wanted to go in.

"No." She muttered. Lucas kept looking at her, directing the camera at her and filming her broken state. He laughed at her as he got closer, shoving the camera in her face as she cried silent tears.

"Help. Please, god help me." Jolene sobbed. Lucas smiled at her.

"Oh, god ain't gonna get in the way of this." He growled as he grabbed her by the shirt. She struggled, clawing and kicking at him as he dragged her over to the bed. Jolene quickly stood up, her hands still flying as she tried to land a hit. She began to move away from the bed, trying to get away from there so she had a chance to get away.

Zoe looked away, trying to avoid watching the violence that was occurring.

Jolene slapped him, and the noise echoed in the room, and on the tape. The camera stayed stagnant, focusing on the panting Jolene, who was curled up in the corner across from the foot of the bed. Her bruises were vibrant upon her pale skin, a small trail of blood leaked out of the side of her mouth. She looked like she had been through a lot, and she had. Things, however, were about to get worse.

Lucas grabbed her arm and hoisted her up before throwing her across the room. She landed against a wall, slamming her head into it. He slowly stalked over to where she laid; where she was struggling to get up. He slapped her, which caused her to hit her head against the wall again.

BetrayalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora