Chapter 14

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  Jolene woke up in the mines again an hour after Lucas dragged her away from the control room. She felt tears flooding her eyes. She looked down to see that she was stripped down again, but this time she was in her underwear. She wondered why Lucas would leave her in only her underclothes, but chose to accept it and be grateful that he did leave her with some of her dignity. Her leg was shackled again, and she couldn't help but feel an overbearing wave of despair hit her. She was stuck down there again, her clothes nowhere in sight, no sense of direction down there, and at the mercy of her captor again.

She closed her eyes and breathed in and out, trying her best to calm herself down. She wanted out. She wanted to see Zoe again. She wanted to taste the sweet, humid, fresh air outside. There was almost no hope for her, until she heard it.


Heavy, running footsteps.

A radio went off, and an unfamiliar voice answered it.

"Yes, I'm in the mines now. I haven't encountered Lucas yet." A man stated. Jolene's heart skipped a beat. Someone was there for her! They came to get her and take care of Lucas. She yanked her foot, making sure the shackle rattled. Then she began to scream.

"Hey!" The man stopped.

"Help! Help me I'm in here! Hey!" She continued. The man put his hand on the iron door, pressing his ear to it.

"Stand back, I'm gonna blow the door off!" The man shouted. Jolene felt a pang of fear, but she knew that it had to happen in order to free her, and if it did kill her? Oh well. She would still be free.

The man placed a small explosive on the door with a small CLICK. Red lights blinked, warning him of the dangers of the explosive. He pressed the button located just below the lights that was situated between the two explosive packs, and ran. He took cover behind a pile of sandbags that were on a wooden platform. The door was flung across the room, hitting the back wall, making Jolene squeal.

The man walked through the doorway. He was tall and wore a black military outfit with a mask. Jolene felt a bit intimidated by the man, but she knew he was there to help her. He took off his mask, revealing a head of brown hair, and a beard. He smiled at her, trying his best to be comforting, but he had already saw.

She looked pitiful, cowering in the corner. The thin, scratchy blanket pulled over her body so she could appear decent. However, he had already saw what she was wearing, or lack thereof. He immediately got a sense of what was going on, and he felt himself go numb. He walked over to her cautiously, kneeling down once he got to her bedside.

"I'm Redfield." He introduced. Jolene looked at him with wide, slightly frightened eyes.

"Jolene." She told him, and, much to his amusement he was reminded of the song. He smiled at her.

"Jolene? Okay Jolene, I'm gonna help you get out of here." He told her. She moved her leg, showing him the cuff on her ankle. Redfield followed the chain to the wall, where he was the metal had already been bent.

"I'm gonna pull on the chain, alright? Don't move your foot, you could break your ankle." He warned. She nodded and got into a more comfortable position, and then he began to pull.

The chain broke off much easier than Redfield had expected and he stumbled due to the force he used on the chain having nothing to project itself onto. Jolene felt tears of happiness come to her eyes. He looked around the empty room, even ducking down to look under the bed, to look for the key.

"Key's not in here." Jolene told him.

"It's probably with Lucas, the asshole." She continued. Redfield stood and held his hand out for her to take, and she did. He helped her up and looked away while she wrapped the blanket around her.

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