Chapter 7

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  Bright lights flashed, lighting up both the room next door and the room with both Lucas and Jolene in it. Jolene, who was laying on the floor, shifted in her sleep. She could faintly hear Lucas's loud, obnoxious voice as he taunted someone. The lights were enough to wake her from her slumber, but combined with the yelling that was going on? She woke up.

The room they were in seemed to be by the boathouse, next to the barn. She looked at the monitors and the cameras that sat on the walls, all focused on Lucas. Next to her was a box of cameras. Some of which were cracked but others seemed fine, they were hand-held ones, and really old. Jolene wondered if any of them still worked, and she wondered if she could sneak one out with her.

"And the winner is... Clancy!" Lucas boomed as he hit a button next to him, startling Jolene. He heard her gasp and turned his head slightly to look at her, smirking to himself. He turned off his intercom and let the two men in the other room continue their game.

"Well, look who's awake." He said, spinning around in his chair. Jolene's hand immediately went to her neck, where she felt the collar once more. Lucas chuckled at this.

"Did ya really think I was gonna let ya sit in here with nothin' holdin' ya in? After what happened last night?" He taunted. Jolene went to say something, but she was cut off by the intercom.

"I'll stay."

"I'm gonna stay."

Lucas whirled around in excitement.

"And the winner is... Clancy!" He announced once more before pushing the button again, which prompted a recording of people cheering. A man groaned, which was followed up by screams of pain. Jolene jumped back again.

"What the fuck was that?" Jolene asked. Lucas smiled sadistically at her and rolled away from the monitors. He gestured her to come over. Jolene sat there, staring wide eyed at him, unsure if looking was truly the best idea.

"Why don't ya come and look for yerself? I made sure that leash of yers was long enough so ya could..." He stopped to giggle to himself.

"Join in on the fun." He finished. His phrasing made Jolene uncomfortable. She felt dread spread throughout her and she became sure that looking wasn't going to be pleasant, but she knew that if she didn't she'd have to deal with Lucas.

She looked at the screens and saw two men sitting at a table. Another screen was focused on the cards they had in front of them. They both wore bags over their heads. The men would wave their hands and ask for another card, or say that they'd stay. Jolene quickly understood what game they were playing. But what truly unnerved her was the giant saw that was placed between them. The loser would have to pay up, wouldn't they? And what better way to pay?

"How long have they been at this?" Jolene asked, tracing her finger around the applause button. Lucas rolled back up next to her, shooing her hand away.

"'Bout an hour now." He answered. They both said they'd stay and Lucas quickly acted. Their cards flipped.

"And the winner is... Hoffman!" He hit the applause button, but a chorus of groans came from the room on the screen. The saw began to move toward the other man, and he struggled to move away from it. Just as she thought it was going to hit him, it stopped. Its blades barely grazing the burlap sack on the man's head. Jolene let out a sigh of relief.

"I wouldn't be too relieved for him, princess. We still have one more round to go." He told her as he laced his fingers together and placing his head on top and watching the screens intently. As the game went on, Lucas had an idea. He could make her deal the last blow; have her kill the loser. The idea excited him even further, and the more he thought of it he became sure he'd do it.

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