Chapter 13

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  She was dragged through a secret tunnel and into a room. It was cramped and had several screens in it. She looked around while Lucas dug through something behind them, and she began to remember something. It was almost like remembering a dream. It was still foggy, but she knew that she experienced it.

His laughter.

The screams of pain and agony.

The cries for help.

His hand around her wrist as he pushed her hand toward a control panel.

She had killed someone in that room, and he made her do it. The person had screamed, but it was quickly silenced with the sounds of blades shredding through skin. Jolene suddenly felt sick, she felt guilty. How did she ever believe she was in love with him? The monster.

Her attention was immediately caught by an image on one of the many screens. Two girls tied up in a room. Jolene walked over, staring at the display. Zoe was in there. She quickly reached out and grabbed the microphone to the intercom and pressed the button. The initial feedback screeched and echoed loudly in the room Zoe was in, causing her to look up. However, this had caught the attention of Lucas, who quickly caught on to Jolene's little game. He began to walk toward her.

"Zoe! It's me! I'm so sorry, I shoulda been there, but I wasn't. Lucas has me again and I-"

"Get the fuck back here!" Lucas tugged on Jolene's hair, and she dropped the microphone. Zoe's eyes widened as she listened to the commotion. She shifted uncomfortably, trying to face the cameras in the corner of the room, but failed to do so. Her wrists were beginning to burn as her skin tore from the coarse rope.

"Jolene? Don't worry, I'll get help. You'll be okay!" Zoe shouted back, and, despite the abuse she was suffering, Jolene smiled. The thought of Zoe caring enough to send someone for her was relieving and wonderful. The thought of someone knowing what she was going through and trying to stop it? She couldn't help but be moved by it. It warmed her in a way Lucas could never warm her. For the first time in her life, she was sure she felt love. She realized that what she felt for Zoe, even back then (despite the haziness of her memories), was always love. She wasn't scared of ruining something great anymore, after everything she'd been through that was the least of her worries. If she got out of this alive, she'd tell Zoe how she felt.

She stopped struggling and knelt down on her knees in a pseudo-surrender before calmly speaking to Lucas.

"Just take me to wherever it is yer takin' me." Lucas scoffed at this, pulling her up to her feet.

"Ya really believe that bullshit she just told ya?"

"I believed you didn't I?" She countered. He felt rage build up at her words, but he kept it hidden behind a smile. He didn't respond to her. He dragged her off again, this time she was going back to the mines, and if he had his way, she wouldn't be coming out again.


Ethan traversed through the house, his gun raised and ready. He had the blue key card that he needed, and the snake key that he had to get from the corpse of the officer that had tried to help him earlier in the night, despite the fact that he suspected him of being a kidnapper. The molded spawned behind him to his left, but he ran right by it and to the door with the dead snakes present on it. He unlocked it quickly and slammed the door in the face of the molded behind him.

The room he was in was childlike in nature, and he had determined that it was, indeed, a children's room. He looked around, kicking a ball out of the way as he approached a desk. Papers littered it, in spite of the fact that the room seemed clean enough. In fact, the room looked like it hadn't been touched in years. He picked a paper up and realized it was a journal entry and began to read it.

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