§ TWO §

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Waiting around, still halfway hopeful that you'll show
You said you'd call, of course you won't, I should've known.....

It was getting later and later and I didn't want to call again.... I've already called him 4 times in the last 2 hours. Jonah sat next to me and rubbed my shoulders as the tears stained my face.

"I don't know what I can do Jo, Its not the same if he's not here!" I was getting frustrated with the absence of  Zach's presence. I mean Jonah.... He made me feel better he would do this thing that always works, but it's not.

I was still hoping that the phone would ring. All I need is one ring.


I jumped and answered the phone and it was Jack.

"I won't be able to attend your party Sydnie got into an accident and we don't know if she'll be okay" and with that Jack hung up on me.

Jonah had left and Zach came home drunk.

"What are you doing on the floor?! I told you no more sitting on the floor!" He stumbles towards me and I pushed him off when he fell.

"Go to your own house drunkie! Leave me alone!" I was crying, I wanted Zach but not when he was like this....

Zach got back up and he hit me, Hard and continued to kick me until I ran outside. I called Jonah to pick me up.

You're not here again, I'm not surprised
I hate how long it took to realize....

The man that I wanted home at that moment, was nowhere near home. The man I fell in love has left me years ago and here I am finally realizing he's gone....

Jonah held me as I tried to explain what happened and he was furious.

"Jonah! Please don't hurt him! I love him!" I was full out sobbing trying to get out of the car. But Jonah locked me in the car.

"He hit you Corbyn! If he "loved" you he would have never done that! " He had a sad look in his eyes.

I thought about it but I thought about our good times too. They were precious to me. Just like him.

Zach POV

You don't remember or you just don't care
Today's my birthday...

I was getting behind in life and Corbyn was dragging me down! I wanted to get my life straight but he kept nagging me. When I am at work I disconnect my phone so I don't get fired. I would get home and there he was sitting on that damn floor crying. I really did not have time for his emotional bullshit. I had just lost my job.

" You are fired!!! All you ever do is sit on your damn phone Herron. "

I said nothing... He knew nothing! He didn't know that my brother was in the hospital. Ryan was recently diagnosed with Earwig's Sarcoma. I was at my all time low at that point. So I went to the bar for a few drinks.

I walked in the house, and there he was crying in the floor in a ball. That should have been me! He had no reason to and that sent me over the edge.

"Didn't I tell you to stop sitting on the damn floor everyday! All you are is a crybaby! So stop and man up!" I was so angry that I  didn't realize that I was kicking him.

He left and shortly after Jonah came in the house.

" You call yourself a good boyfriend? You say that you love him and shit!? What you just did a few minutes ago should have never happened to anyone Zachary! How would your mom feel if she knew that you abused your boyfriend?! " He was pushing my buttons.

"You don't know anything! you need to stop getting jealous over the fact that he choose me instead of you seven years ago!"

" Fuck off Zach! We all knew who was better! and at least I didn't make a lame ass excuse to why I wasn't at my friends funeral! " and with that he left the house with Corbyn in his car.

Was I really that bad?.....

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