11 | re: your compassion

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You had a sharp tongue and an apathetic attitude to boot; in other words, you were a handful. But as temperate as you were, you were just as unpredictable. Despite that, there were only two things about you that remained consistent throughout the years: your love for football and Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

So pardon me when I say that your mysterious no-show in the summer camp in 2012 was shocking to me. You have attended that very same summer camp for six years, so when I arrived on my first day as a chaperone and hadn't found your name, nor Aaron's, on the football course list, I was surprised.

But I didn't try to call you from the landline, nor did I ask the camp's lead counselor, football coach, or even anybody of your whereabouts and why you weren't here.

I remember being excited to see you; yet, when I think about it now, it wouldn't have been the case if I hadn't done anything to know why you weren't here. I thought you wanted to see me too, regardless of what your apathy might show. I thought I knew you, but turns out, I didn't even know myself at all.

I wasn't bothered until the lead counselor called me to his office. He said that he received a phone call and an email from Aunt Sophia, apologizing. I remember being confused, until the counselor explained to me that neither you nor Aaron were, indeed, coming.

I asked why, and he wordlessly pointed towards his computer monitor where Aunt Sophia's email was shown before turning away. My eyes raced through the lines, only grasping that Aaron has broken his leg in a bicycle accident and that you won't be coming because you couldn't leave your cousin.

I understood why you did that, but I was too pestered with the fact that Aunt Sophia didn't mail me anything about Aaron's accident. But then I remembered my email, and thought that perhaps she had informed me there.

I asked the counselor for permission to log into my email, hoping that my assumptions were true.

However, my inbox was empty.

I thanked the counselor before logging off and exiting the office. I was furious. Can you believe it? I was selfish enough to be furious. And as one does when they're angry, I didn't bother with another way to try and contact you. I should've known better than to let my petty irritations get to me.

And for that Eleanor, I am terribly sorry.

Sincerely, NoahDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora