Kaylee's POV

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It all started in my living room. My mother was making dinner and my father was watching the hockey. "No! No! No!" My father said throwing his popcorn bowl at the television.

I looked over my father's shoulder and stared at the tv. My team was winning! Dad's team...well...one to ten is a difference. For a daughter and her father to have separate teams is actually kind of funny. "Dad...you should really think about switching teams...your team sucks...but mine devours!" I laugh as he punches my arm.

I hit him back and continue to watch the game. "You see! My favourite player has the puck! Your team will never get it from him!" I said laughing evily.

"You never know...mine could get around and kick your players a-" My father was cut off, "Language!!" My mother yelled from the kitchen.

"Butt..." My father said turning towards the kitchen and sticking his tongue out.

My dad is very immature. My mom on the other hand...well..is controlling. As I continued to watch the hockey game, my team was about to score! I got up from the couch and started to rant yes yes yes! Then the power went out. "NO!" My father said throwing the beer he was drinking and watched it splatter on the carpet.

This carpet was my mother's favourite carpet! Which I don't get because it's carpet. Anyway my mother scurried out of the kitchen searching for a light. The glass still on the ground from the beer bottle was spread on the floor. I watched my step and slowly checked the drawer for a flashlight or something, but I found matches! My mother brought in candles and I went to light it. Then everything became a blurr. As I stepped forward I stepped on a piece of glass. I completely froze. The next thing I could hear was my parents screaming for me to get out of the house.


"Thank you Anne for letting us sleepover for a while...I really appreciate it." My mother smiled to her best friend from college.

"No problem Jen. What are best friends for right?" She smiled back and lifted the some of the left over luggage into her car truck.

I turned back to the house. Seeing it all black instead of white and light green was depressing. I can't believe that happened...it's been about a week since it happened and still half of my body is in pain. I looked at the house for as long as I could to save the memories before Anne's voice told me to get in the car. Once I was in and buckled my seat belt I stared out the window. What...have....I...done...I think as we drive out of the driveway and into the highway.

Apparently I fell asleep. It was now dark out and all I could see was trees. At least I think it's dark? Unless the trees are blocking the sun? "Oh great! Your awake. How are you feeling?" My mother said from the front seat and looking at me from the rear view mirror.

"I don't feel so great..." I said holding my head as my body ached and I felt as if I were going to be sick.

"We are almost there just hang on sweety." Anne said staring at the road.

She was correct. We are almost there. I recognize her house a little out in the distance. Her house was big but not to big but not at all small either! The lights in the windows shined and I could see her driveway in view. I've never really been inside of her house. I've only been in her front and back yard. When we had that barbecue. That was like two years ago though...when I was fourteen. We soon pulled into the driveway as a man greeted us. "Who is that?" My mother asked.

"That's my husband! I'm sure your husband George knows him..." Anne winks as she exits the car.

I stare in confusion as my dad and Anne's husband shake hands and pat each other's back. I got out of the car and headed inside with the rest of the family. The next thing I knew was my mom and Anne going into the kitchen and my dad and Anne's husband going into the living room to watch some hockey. I was officially left alone in this huge house and had no idea what to do...

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