What happened!? (Kaylee's POV)

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"Ow!" I yelled as I hit the snow covered ground.

"Did you seriously lean to close to the railing!?" Jarod yelled from the balcony from which I fell from.

"Noo...I jumped and said ow for no reason!" I yelled sarcastically.

He looked at me and started to laugh. "Why are you laughing!?" I yelled at him.

"This is just so funny..." He continued to laugh.

"Ha ha ha now please come help me!" I said trying to get out of the snow that covered my legs.

He rushed down the stairs with the shovel. "Whoa! Whatcha doing?!" I yelled pushing the shovel away.

"Getting you out..what does it look like?" He laughed.

"With that!?!?" I yelled and flopped on my back.

"Yup...and try not to move..I'll know if I hit your legs or not if I hear a snap." He laughed and aimed the shovel.

"Wait, wait, wait....WHAT!?" I screamed trying to push the shovel away as he aimed.

He laughed and dropped the metal shovel as the noise echoed through the Forrest. He grasped my arm and pulled me out of the freezing snow. He looked at my legs only to see them a purplish bluish colour. He held me tightly and ran inside. He turned on the heat and brought in a giant bucket full of warm water. "Stick your feet in it." He said as he grabbed my foot lightly.

He slipped my feet in the water and I could feel my feet stinging in pain.


One Week Left.. (Jarod's POV)

It was 3:26 a.m and I couldn't sleep. I stared out the window thinking on what to do. How to do the change. Once it was done she would be away from danger if it ever comes, but if this procedure happens. She would have to stay hidden from the town until she knows how to shift and control her inner wolf. Hopefully she learns how to control her inner wolf first.

Time had passed and it was now 7:54 a.m. Kaylee was still asleep and I was still awake. I'm not exhausted or tired. I'm just thinking of how much problems I could cause. "Hey..." I was spooked by Kaylee's voice.

"Oh....hey..." I said catching my breathe and acting as if she hadn't scared me.

"Did I...scaare you?" She said giggling and holding the scare a bit long.

"Noo..." I said looking out the window.

She stood there in silence then waddled her way into the kitchen. "Want an omelet before you die?" Kaylee asked.

"Huh?" Jarod said lifting his brow.

"Want an omelet before you..go?" Kaylee said repeating herself.

"Oh...sorry I thought you said something different.." I replied to her.

"So do you want to die?" She asked.

"What?!" I yelled.

"So do you want to eat!?" Kaylee yelled.

"What is wrong with you!?" Kaylee added angrily.

I stood there in confusion. "I...I don't know..." I said to her looking into her eyes as her anger started to perish.

A week later...

"What time?" Kaylee asked me as we ate breakfast.

"We leave in an hour." I replied to her.

She stared at the clock and I could tell she was nervous. She was playing with the bottom of her skirt. She was biting her lip and she kept staring at the clock as the noise of the ticker ticked. Tick..tick....tick....tick...time was wasting. She was about to change her life completely, and I'm going to be there to witness the magic. "It's almost time..." She said to me knocking me out of my thinking.

"Was I? no.." I asked myself as she entered the house; grabbing her turquoise coat.

"Ready?" I asked Kaylee as she put on he jacket and grabbed my hand.

"Ready." She replied to me as I put her on my back and shifted.

We ran through the forest; dodging every tree in my path and the other wolves that crossed. The next thing I knew was the wolves I've passed had began to follow us. A loud bang echoed in the forest and we knew it was time for the ritual. Welcome to our pack Kayls. Welcome.

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