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We kissed. I couldn't believe we actually kissed...she was perfect and I finally had her in my arms and now the pressure is off! I love her! She is my mate officially now! As we stopped kissing I looked into her eyes. "Will...you be my mate?" I asked with my hand on her cheek.

She smiled and nodded. "Yes.." She laughed.

I smiled and hugged her tightly. "I HAVE A MATE!" I yelled excitedly.

Kaylee laughed and got up from the ground. "Jarod...but, what about your parents? Do they know?" Kaylee asked me.

"Yea. They know. So do your parents..." I replied to her and kissed her cheek.

"Wait...my parents knew and didn't tell me? Why didn't you just tell me in the beginning when I met you?" Kaylee said confusedly.

"I was afraid that you would go to school, well. When your in school, you would tell everyone and I was afraid that you would hate me forever..." I said staring at the stream as Kaylee came up next to me.

She still had my jacket around her and she tightened it around her. "Your still cold?" I asked her walking over and hugging her trying to make her warm.

"A little." She replied as she continued to stare at the stream.

"Well...I'll help you. Oh and by the way...we can't go back, but I do have a back up house in the middle of the Forrest..." I said pointing up a mountain in the distance.

"All the way up there?" She asked me as I held out my hand.

She grasped my hand and held it tight. I out her on my back as I shifted into the being that allowed me to open up to her. Thank you wolf. You were finally right this time. I started to run as she held on tight.

When I was running I noticed that she was....well...passed out. Whoops. Was I running to fast?


Chapter 2

I could hear Kaylee moaning and knew she was awakening. I walked into the room slowly making sure she was awake. "Morning..." I said to her, handing a bowl of HoneyComes to her.

"Thankyou.." She replied taking the bowl.

"So...how long will we be here?" She added as she took a bite of the cereal.

"A while...until the danger has blew off completely." I replied taking a bite from my cereal as well.

"What danger?" She asked.

"Your not my full mate yet...because your not a wolf yet..." I said putting my cereal bowl down.

She stared at the bowl wide eyed. "Wow...you finished that fast and...I have to become a wolf?" She said.

"Sorry I'm a pig and yeah..." I said laughing a little.

She smiled and looked down. "When does this "wolf changing" thing happen?" She asked me as I looked up impressed that she didn't freak out about herself turning into a wolf.

"In about three weeks. Why?" I asked her.

"I just want to get it done so we all are no longer in danger..." She replied smiling and putting her cereal bowl down.

"Ok." I answered smiling and taking the bowls into the kitchen.

I washed the bowls and went out to see her on the porch looking out to the trees. I knew that it was far, and I know that she may be home sick. She must know that this is our home now. For a while in fact. This is the place I wanted to live with her in, the place to settle down and have a family. I smiled as I thought about having a family. I walked up to the window and watched as her long brown curly hair blew from the wind. I opened that door and she turned around. Her eyes simmering in the light allowing her blue eyes to shine. Some of her hair blew into her face and I tucked them behind her ear. She smiled and looked into my eyes. "I love you." I said to her as she hugged me.

"I love you to." She said continuing to hug me.

Hearing her beautiful voice say those exact words made me love her even more. I hugged her and kissed her forehead. The perfect girl is in my arms.

"Hey...want to take a picture together and hang it on the wall?" I asked her as I searched for my phone.

"Sure." She smiled.

I took out my phone and we took a picture if us hugging. The second one of us kissing. This is the start of the perfect family I've always wanted with my mate. Now I just have to wait three weeks before she can turn to a wolf and travel the world with me.

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