Jarod's POV

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Hearing that box hit the floor earlier scared me, but once I saw her I knew it was her. My mate. I felt so bad though for her to see me like this! With Alex! The girl I was practically making out with. I made a mistake. I just didn't know that my mate would stand in front of me so soon. The scent of her filled the air and almost made me drunk like. When I told Alex to go home I totally forgot that I brought her here in my car and where she lives is like an hour away, so it was awkward to leave my mate once I just met...well..saw her.

I got home in the middle of the night and tried to be as quiet as possible, but then I heard something in the kitchen. So. I investigated.

It was her, my mate getting a glass of water. Seeing her in her sweat pants and her long sleeved shirt was cute. She was perfect and I was glad to call her my mate. If only she knew she was my mate. Then that would make things easier...the wolf inside me told me to grab her and take her to where she belongs. I couldn't. She's not ready to know quite yet. She looked in my direction and I leaned against the wall. She turned away and I was soon behind her. Mess around with her! My wolf inside me said so I did. She went to go around me but I stepped in front of wherever she wanted to go.

What did I just do? She must think I'm a dick now!

She started to walk out of the kitchen when I remembered. I haven't asked her name! The wolf inside me grabbed her hand and she stood the in silence. She turned to me and stared directly into my green eyes. "What's your name..." I asked her and then realized, I better let go of her before she thinks I'm a creep!

"K-K-Kaylee.." She answered and continued to stare into my eyes.

The sound of her voice filled my ears and I knew that I was going to be happy with my mate. I love her...she's my mate and I must protect her.

I let go of her wrist remembering she wasn't like me. She was human. She was fragile. She went to walk away as she started to fall. I grabbed her before she hit the tiled floor and held her in my arms. My wolf inside me took over and she was now on my back as I ran through the Forrest. I placed her in my cave and became myself again. All though my wolf was still controlling. I lay next to her with my arm around her and stare at the stars. Having her in my arms felt perfect. She was perfect. And she was mine. I love her so much and I will do anything for her.

I lay next to her with my arm around her for the next few hours but notice that the sun is slowly but surely rising. It takes me a while before reaching her window. I put her in her bed and put the covers on her and silently leave the room. I listen for an hour just to make sure she was okay and start to leave. Then...I hear a ding. "Kaylee!!" I hear a male's voice say.

Who is that! Why is he talking to my mate?!

I tried to listen more but barely could hear anything. I leaned in closer to the door and listened. "I love you and miss you!" The Male says.

"I love and miss you too." She replies.

No! That's my mate!! I think and right away punched the wall by her room. I left a whole in the wall and stomped my way into the kitchen where my dad stood angrily. "What do you think your doing! I saw you last night! What were you thinking of bringing her there!?!" My father yelled.

"It took over! And what are you saying?" I say.

"I'm saying that you shouldn't go after her! Even if she is your mate!" My father answers.

"What are you saying! That I can't date!?" I yell angrily.

He doesn't answer and I leave the room but accidentally bump into Kaylee. I grab onto her waist before she hits the ground. "Whoa. A girl like you shouldn't be falling." I smile.

She stared at my eyes and I let her go. "I'll see you later." I say as I walk to my room.

I sat on my bed remembering what a perfect night last night was. I had my mate right there in my arms. She is perfect. Everything is perfect with her in my life. If only she knew and danger and my father weren't in the way! I grabbed my phone and saw that Alex texted me to come over. I texted sorry I'm busy and sent it. She texted back right away saying jerk.

Wow. Again...desperate. Alex really needs to stop hanging on people! Like seriously...

I heard Kaylee in the kitchen. Grabbing a bowl and pouring in her favourite cereal. HoneyComes I think and smile. Can't wait till she is fully mine!

My wolf starts to take over as I jump out the window. In mid air I shift and run into the Forrest. As I reached my pack I saw Andrea and her brother Cameron. We all became full human and we spoke. "Hey guys..can I ask you guys for a favour?" I asked.

"Um...sure." Cameron replied and Andrea listened.

"Can you help me protect...my mate?" I asked.

"Yuck. Love..." Andrea rolls her eyes.

"Sure." Cameron and Andrea say at the same time.

"Thanks. I owe you guys one." I said smiling.

I ran back to the house as Andrea and Cameron left. I jumped through my window and became human right on time as Kaylee knocked. "Come in." I said smiling.

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