Ritual (Kaylee's POV)

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I could feel the wind blowing in my face and the rush flowing in my body. I was really nervous and didn't know if it would hurt, or if it would just knock me out for a week like in that twilight movie when Edward bit Bella and Bella was knocked out for like a week. (They really have to add more emotion to that chick like seriously!) I could hear the bell ringing, dong dong dong...goes the bell in the distance and the low howls behind us. We soon saw the ritual circle in view. I held onto his grey fur and closed my eyes. It was time...it was time to-whoa...

Jarod shifted and stood in front of me as a group of red wolves gather around us. Jarod's grey wolves stood there in fighting position. "Stay...behind me.." Jarod said mumbling to me.

"What? Why? Who are these wolves?" I asked.

The leader of the red pack came forward. "So nice to see you again Jarod!" He said walking to the middle.

"Your ritual leader couldn't make it...a little miss hap happened when he entered our turf." He added and smirked as one of the red wolves came up with blood around it's mouth.

"What did he do to deserve this!?" Jarod yelled.

"I already told you...he entered the wrong turf." The leader smirked.

His eyes finally met mine and he stared. "Who is this..." He smiled walking closer.

"Fuck off." Jarod said pushing me back.

"Well that wasn't nice. I'm just here to complete your ritual and simply take her for my boss it's no big deal Jarod." The leader laughed as his pack howled.

"Your not going to touch or go near Kaylee." Jarod said angrily.

"So that's her name...how cute." He smirked.

"Bring her to me." He added as he held out his hand.

Four of the red wolves shifted and headed towards me. Two grabbed my arms and dragged me as the other two held Jarod back as he tried to grab me to keep me away from him. His palm found my face and he found his way to my hair. "Your pretty...where did he find you?" He smirked.

I stayed silent as the two people continued to hold my arms. His hands payed themselves on my forehead and he mumbled words I couldn't understand. Then he worked his way to my stomach as his eyes stayed closed. The circle started to glow; the candle lights started to flicker. I started to shift and everything felt rushed as I fainted.

I woke up to see the red pack leader beside me. I couldn't get up; a cold metal chain was holding me down. The chains were on my ankles as well. I could see Jarod and his pack in the corner of my eye fighting to get to me. Then I witnessed something terrible...h-how....


Kaylee! (Jarod's POV)

I stared at her as she suddenly fainted. The two men who were holding me back suddenly let me go as I ran to Kaylee. "Say your goodbyes..." The red pack leader told me.

"Pardon me Timothy?" I said to the red leader.

That's right; the red leader's name was Timothy...he was powerful. For him to tell me to say goodbye was when I have to grab Kaylee and run. I went to pick up Kaylee and run as Timothy flipped me on my back. My pack and his pack when in full out war as I joined them. Timothy tied Kaylee up in chains as I went to pin him on the ground, but was pulled back. I began to be choked then kicked the wolf off of me. BANG!

The light flashed before my eyes, a gunshot was fired. I looked around to see who it was, but everyone was staring at me. Timothy stood above me with a gun facing my heart. Then I felt the pain. I could see Kaylee's eyes wide open as she struggled to get out of the chains. I was dying...I knew danger was coming but I didn't know it would end like this. In my mind I wasn't giving up, but my body formation was...I let Kaylee down....my mate...


JAROD!! (Kaylee's POV)

"JAROD!!" I cried as I broke the chain and lunged at Timothy.

"Holy shit!!" He said fighting with me.

I shifted into a grey wolf with ice clear blue eyes and attacked Timothy. He lay on the ground defenceless as I snarl. I looked into his brown eyes as he looked into my eyes. I snarled louder and bit his neck into peices. Ripping the meat from his neck was disgusting but he deserved it! He killed Jarod! Now it's his turn to die!!

I looked up as his pack of red wolves sprinted away as quickly as possible as the grey pack surround Jarod. I rushed over but he was already gone. I sobbed for days as Alex tried to comfort me...she was really nice all though she was a brat in the beginning..."I'm sorry it ended that way..." She said patting my back.

"It hasn't ended...it's just getting started..." I replied to her.

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