Car Crashes

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A/N: Jensen and Misha are not married to their wives and don't have kids. Jared is though... I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with his wife and kids part but I might try. And everyone on teen wolf is single unless said so. This story is dedicated to my best friend Julia. LiaSmackles

Julia reaches down to get her phone from under the driver's seat. She couldn't reach it with her seatbelt on so she took it off. Only for a second right? Just to grab her phone then she'd put it back on immediately.

A lot can happen in a second.

She heard a loud crash and car jolted to a stop. Then a crash came from behind the car and the car jolted forward but stopped after that. She felt pain in her side and her leg and her arm. She couldn't move back up to her seat so she reached up to the door handle and opened the door.

She pulled herself out of the car grunting at the pain in her side and leg. She got out to see everyone on the highway had stopped. She saw that her car was smashed between two others.

A truck had jumped the meridian and smashed into her car. One of the wheels of the truck was over top of her stepmom so she was crushed underneath. Her dad had a large piece of metal going through his chest. Tears went down her face as she ran to her brother's side of the car. SHe ripped the car door open to reveal her stepmoms seat was crushing her brother.

He was letting out short breaths as his eyes landed on Julia who stood there with tears in her eyes. He smiled at her and reached up with his last amount of strength. He put his hand on her cheek thumb running along her cheekbone.

"I-I love... you Julia... l-l-live on for-for... 'kay?" He said making Julia sob even harder. A few people had stopped getting out of their cars and going to help. But they were just standing behind her watching.

"Don't go, Kaden... Please..." She said putting her hand up to rest over his. He only smiled at her mumbling an 'it's okay' before closing his eyes. "No, no, no, no, no... No! Kaden! Please don't!" She yelled putting her hands on his face as his dropped from hers. She looked at his closed eyes frantically trying to look for any sign of life but found nothing there. She kissed his forehead mumbling an 'I love you too' back to him before resting the boy's hands on his chest. She stepped back not letting her eyes leave her family's smashed car. She let out a scream as she fell to the ground. She pounded her fist into the ground until someone grabbed her.

"Hey, sweetie it's alright. You're okay." It was a woman paramedic she grabbed Julia's hanD> The paramedic looked at the girl with sympathy because she looked so broken. Julia let out another scream that the paramedic thought everyone on the highway could hear. She pulled the girl toward her as Julia passed out in her arms.

"AHHHH!" Julia jolted up out of the bed with a scream that ripped through the silent air of the room. She was immediately pulled into a hug by her best friend Faith.

"Hey, baby it's okay. Ju, it's okay." Faith said making Julia nod and calm down. But then she realized where she was. In a hospital, bandages on her side, arm, leg, and stitches in her forehead.

"It's not okay... they're dead Faith... they're all dead." Julia sobbed into Faith's shoulder holding onto her best friend like she was about to disappear. Faith sat there with Julia until she fell asleep. And even after she fell asleep Faith lay beside Julia in the hospital bed. Staying with her long after her mother, father, and two brothers went home.

About a month later after Julia was all healed they were going to have a funeral. But the day before Julia's father's lawyer came by Faith's house where Julia was now living. He came by with her father's will. Julia was very emotional throughout the whole reading. But the last paragraph had some very unexpected information.

"There is something Julia should know if she isn't 18 because that's when I was going to tell her this. Julia when you were two years old your mother and I adopted you from a woman who couldn't take care of you." The lawyer paused looking up at Julia who went wide-eyed. Faith was sitting next to her along with her mother for support. Faith's father and two brothers had gone out giving her some space. When the lawyer didn't see any sign of Julia speaking he continued.

"The reason I didn't tell you was that I knew you'd go off and try to find them. I wasn't prepared to lose you to some woman. I also didn't want you to get hurt if they didn't want you. Your mother's name is Lauren Robson. I'm very sorry, sweetheart. I love you and I hope you live a good life." The lawyer finished the will and spoke to Faith's mother while Faith held Julia as she silently cried into her best friend's shirt. Her whole life was a lie.

The next day Julia, Faith, and her family went to the funeral. Julia only spoke when she had to say 'hi' to a few people she hadn't seen in a while. She said a 'thank you' to people who said sorry. Then Julia spoke to everyone about her family. She cried. But no one said anything about it because they didn't expect her to stay straight-faced. She had just lost her family after all.

Julia found her biological mother five months after the funeral. She met her at a local restaurant not too far from Faith's house. She had long messy blonde hair, messy clothing, and looked like she'd been living on the street.

"You are so beautiful, Juliana." Her mother said using her full name which made Julia flinch slightly because her father only ever used her full name.

"I just go by Julia now." She said making the woman nod and smile.

They spoke for a long time Julia talked about her school life, a little bit about what happened to her family, Lauren was very sweet and nice. She gave Julia a hug when she spoke about the car crash saying it was okay if she didn't want to talk about it. At the end of their time, Lauren knew Julia wanted to ask why she hadn't kept her when she was young.

"I'm going, to be honest with you Julia," Lauren said making Julia nod wanting to know the reason her mother had not to keep her. "I was young and dumb. I had a one-night stand with a man who was young as well. We had a good time and I never saw him again. But I know who he is. I never told him that I got pregnant because I knew it would... complicate his life. I didn't keep you because I wasn't fit to take care of a child. I'm a drug addict and I live with my boyfriend. It's not a good lifestyle to put a kid through. But I made sure you had good parents. I'm sorry." She said making Julia nod.

They hugged each other before they left Julia liked her mother. She cared about her child enough that she saw it wouldn't be a good thing to keep her. And she made sure her home was a nice one. Julia thanked her biological mother as Lauren walked her to where Faith and her mom were waiting for her in their car.

"Julia before you go," Lauren said gently taking a hold of her daughter's arm. Juia nodded interestedly in what she had to say. "Your father... He's an actor in a popular TV show." Lauren said making Julia raise her eyebrows. She had a famous father?

"His name is Jensen Ackles."

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