Jealousy |Panel pt 2|

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Well, it was the second, and last, day of the big panel event. Everyone had been introduced questions had been started from the crowd. Each was a little different. Some were deep, others were simple, and some were funny as hell.

Julia loved watching all her friends and fans interact. It was nice to have such a fun time up on stage. But today was different than yesterday. Today Julia sat closer to Dylan they would share longing looks. Dylan would steal kisses and Julia would whisper in his ear. Everyone thought it was cute.

But then about halfway through the panel, Julia noticed something. She noticed how Cody and Dylan looked. They both would see the couple do their couple shit and they looked... jealous.

Julia knew better than to assume it was because they wanted her or wanted O'Brien. She knew it was because they both wanted that. They wanted to do couple things on stage like Dylan and Julia did.

She couldn't take the jealous and sad looks anymore. She had to do something. Anything. She didn't want to out them if they didn't want to be outed but she had to at least talk to them. So when Jensen was finished answering his question about why the Impala doors squeaked she spoke.

"Can we hold for a second?" Julia asked making everyone go silent. Victor looked at her for a moment before nodding.

"Sure for a second, I suppose." He said and the crowd quieted down. The crowd went into a quiet chatter as Julia smiled at Victor thankfully.

The people on stage looked to her as she stood up leaving her microphone on her chair. She knew everyone was watching as she walked over to Cody and Dylan. She bent down in front of them as they both frowned looking at her.

"I've been watching you two throughout this whole panel. You're both jealous." She said making them frown shaking their heads about to deny it but Julia continued. "I know you. Both of you. You might not know it but I can tell you're jealous. You're jealous of the fact that Dyl and I can show our relationship to the public and this audience but you can't. Or won't." Julia said making the two glance over at each other then back at her. "I want you to know that it's alright to tell people. And I know you're scared. But you've got all of us." Julia said motioning to the friends and family that were on stage. "Look at my dads. Misha and Jensen are so happy now that everyone knows about them." Julia said looking over at Jensen and Misha who were holding hands while having a quiet conversation.

They both were smiling widely at each other not really paying attention to anything else. It was like they were the only people in the world. Just talking to each other and getting wrapped up in each other in such an innocent way.

"Yeah, there will be people who don't like it but who cares about them. They're the one percent who don't like you. Those opinions don't matter as long as you're happy. Also if your fans really love you then they'll accept you for who you are. Same with all your friends and family." Julia said making Cody and Dylan smile at her. "I'm not saying come out now. I mean if you want to then go ahead. But know that most people will accept you. And if they don't then I'll kick their asses." Julia said making them all laugh a little.

"You know that this is one of the reasons why I love you? You're so open to everything and anything. And you're so accepting of everyone no matter who they are." Cody said as a tear fell from his eye.

Julia smiled up at him completely forgetting the crowd was there. All three of them forgot the crowd was there.

Julia reached up and wiped the tear from her best friends face. She let her hand rest on Cody's face. Then she reached up and rested a hand on Dylan's face. She smiled at both of them lovingly.

"I love you both. And I'm not pushing you. I'm telling you that you're loved no matter what." She said making them both smile and they leaned forward. All three of their foreheads connected and their eyes closed as they smiled.

"Thank you, Julia," Dylan said as they parted Julia smiled standing and giving them both a loving kiss on the forehead before making her way back to her seat.

Cody wiped his eyes as Dylan sniffled and Julia smiled at them as she wiped the single tear that had made its way down her face. Dylan and Cody whispered a few things in each other's ears before turning back to the waiting crowd.

"It has been brought to my attention, by Julia, that I haven't been completely honest with you guys," Dylan said making Julia send him another comforting smile that eased his nerves. His nerves were almost completely gone when Cody gave him a smile as well. "I like Cody. Actually no. I'm completely and utterly in love with Cody Christian." Dylan said making the crowd cheer with happiness. Once they were done the boy spoke again. "Julia just made a very amazing emotional speech about how it doesn't matter who we are. Just that the people around us love us." Dylan said making the crowd cheer even louder.

"Give us a kiss!" Someone in the crowd yelled very loudly.

Dylan smiled at Cody who shrugged a smile on his face too. The older boy took the youngers face in his hands before connecting their lips. It was a burst of passion that made Dylan continue to smile against Cody's lips.

"I am completely and utterly in love with you too Dylan Sprayberry," Cody said as it was just picked up by the mic. The crowd cheered as the couple smiled into another kiss.

"Wow, Julia you should be proud of yourself. You just made a secret couple come out on stage." Victor said when the two parted Julia chuckle and shook her head. She did not like that comment but decided not to go off on him and just tell it how it was.

"I didn't make them do anything. All I did was tell them something that I truly believe." Julia said before turning to the crowd taking a deep breath. "The people around you should love you for you. Not for who you love. What you identify as. Or anything like that. They should love you for who you are. For the personality inside you. For the goofy, or serious, the crazy, or calm, the shy, or the outgoing you. And if they don't. Then fuck them! Because they don't deserve you!" Julia stood up and smiled at the now cheering crowd. "They don't deserve the amazing person you are! So go find some people who actually like you for you. Go find some people who are like these people up here." Julia said looking at each and every one of the friends and family on stage. "Because these people around me are real. They are the crazy, funny, calm, serious, shy, outgoing, people that I love. And I love them because they love me for me. Not because I have money, not because I'm famous. It's because when they saw me. They saw past the broken, emotion hiding, fake smiling, shell of myself. And they saw the outgoing, crazy, funny, amazing person I was on the inside. So go look for people who see you and only you. Like all of my amazing friends and family did with me." Julia said making the crowd cheer louder than they had in all of these two days. Julia's friends and family all smiled standing up and giving her a group hug. "These people are the definition of family." She said into the mic still in the middle of the group hug.

~Wow, the was emotional for me. Julia, I love you. Thanks for getting me through shit man. Thanks to everyone who's read this book as well. I might do an epilog but probably not in the near future. Thanks for reading everyone. ~

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