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"... you are in fact father and daughter."

The two smiled and Jensen brought Julia into a hug which she returned happily. They were happy with the results. Jensen was worried about how his fans and friends would take it. Would they like her? Would they hate her?


It had been two months since Jensen had found out Julia was his daughter. He hadn't told anyone yet but Julia had told Faith and her family. Jensen had even had dinner with their family which was a good experience.

Faith had looked like she was going to explode the whole time while her parents just made conversation with the man. Asked him about his job, friends, his living situation which kind of confused him. Faith's two brothers asked all different kinds of questions like they were wondering if he'd be a good father. They seemed like good brothers for Julia. Very protective.

Now Jensen stood on the set of supernatural. He had called Julia so she could see it as well as introduce her to some of the cast and crew. They were very good friends of his so he knew they would need to know first.

"Jensen!" He heard from behind him were the parking lot would be. He turned to see Julia and Faith walking toward him. Faith looked around almost amazed by what she saw while Julia just smiled at him.

"Julia. Faith how are you?" Jensen said hugging Julia then looking over at Faith who smiled at him.

"I'm really good right now. Like the best I've ever been right now." She said looking around making Jensen chuckle.

"Jensen!" He turned to be met by Jared and Misha who were walking toward him. He turned looking at Julia who saw the anxiety in his eyes.

"It's alright. You don't have to introduce me as your daughter right now."

"No. No, I want to." Jensen said making Julia smile and nod while Faith held onto Julia's arm like she was the only thing keeping her on the ground.

"Hey, Jen. Who's this?" Jaded asked but Misha frowned at the two girls then a realization came to him and he smiled at the two.

"Julia and Faith right? I remember them." He said making Faith smile muttering things in Julia's ear that made her smack Faith.

"Yeah, uh... I gotta tell you guys something." Jensen said going all serious which made the two frown.

"Is everything okay?" Jared asked worried for the boy while Faith just kept whispering things in Julia's ear.

"Yeah, yeah everything's good just... uh..."

"It's alright." Julia said putting a hand on Jensen's upper arm making him relax.

"Okay... guys Julia here... she's my daughter." Jensen said making the two men's eyebrows shoot up to their hairline.

"Your daughter?" Jared asked shifting his weight to his other foot.

"Yes." Jensen said nodding.

"She's like 15."

"17 actually." Jensen said making Julia smile at him from beside him where she stood.

"How-?" Misha said not even understanding what was really happening.

"I think you understand how babies are made, yeah?" Julia said making Faith turn away and laughed while Jensen just smirked. Jared laughed and Misha chuckled.

"Sorry man it was just... shocking." Jared said making Jensen nod.

"Yeah, I was very surprised." Misha said making Jensen smile at them. He hugged both of them thanking them. "So it's good to see you again Julia. It's nice to meet you Faith." Misha said making Faith smile wildly at him.

A/N: Sorry that this ones short I just wanted the next part of be a new chapter.

it's a long road • DYLAN O'BRIEN Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora