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Jensen got back to his hotel room that night he was exhausted. Then he remembered the box he had gotten from that girl... Julia. He went over to the bag with all of the stuff he had gotten from fans today and searched through the bag. He found the box and smiled sitting on the hotel bed. He looked down at it an wondered what was so important inside that he couldn't open it earlier.

He tore the tape off the top of the box and opened it. He saw a letter, two pictures, and a necklace. He frowned looking down at each of the objects. He remembers that necklace and the woman in one of the pictures. He decided to read the letter to see if it would explain any of these objects.

Dear Jensen,
Hi, my name is Julia Price. I don't even know how to start this. You'll probably ignore this but I had to try at least. I'm your daughter. Yep, you read that right I'm your daughter. But don't through this away yet I have proof that you are in fact, my father. Those pictures that are in there are of my biological mother. Her name is Lauren Robson. I talked to her a while ago she's nice and told me about you. She said you guys were young and had a one night stand. She told me your name then gave me that picture of you two. The other one is a picture of me and her on that day. I haven't seen her since because she said that she couldn't take care of me and wasn't a good mother. So I wanted to at least see you. I hope that's good enough proof for you to at least get a DNA test. If not then. It was at least good to see you.
Thank you, Julia.

Jensen read the letter over three times before looking at the photos again. He remembered that girl. It was so long ago he barley did but the memory was there. The girl had dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and her smile lit up her face. Jensen smiled at the picture of the girl and her mother.

Julia was sitting on the couch watching the new supernatural episode Faith wanted them to watch together. Julia actually liked the show. Her and Faith's views on it were somewhat different and some were the same as well. Julia's top ship was Destiel while Faith thought Sabriel even though it was season  10 and Gabriel was dead she still liked it better.

But then Julia was interrupted by a notification ding on her phone. She only glance at it then back at the TV. But then she gasped realizing what she had just seen.

"Oh my god Faith!" She almost screamed opening her phone to Instagram.

"Shut up this is a good part!"

"Screw the show right now Jensen DMed me!" Julia said making Faith go wide eyed and scream. She paused the recording and looked over at Julia's phone. Julia opened her DM's and clicked on Jensen.

Jensen - Hey Julia I read your letter and would like to meet you as well.

Julia smiled widely when she read what he had wrote out loud.

Julia - Really? That's awesome to be honest I didn't think you'd actually respond to it.

Jensen - Of course. Where would you like to meet?


"Julia?" She heard from behind her and turned around to see Jensen. She was standing on a pier that looked out at the ocean. Faith wasn't with her because she said it was Julia's thing not hers but congratulated her.

"Hey... Uh..." Julia said nervously looking down at her fingers which were playing with the hem of her t-shirt she had under her black bomber jacket.

"Nervous?" He asked and she looked up nodding.

"I mean how could I not be. I'm meeting my biological father for the second time but he actually knows I'm his daughter now and I want him to like me so... I'm rambling great." She said making Jensen chuckle walking up and standing next to her arms length away as they both leaned on the railing.

"Don't worry. I'm nervous too. I mean I am meeting my long lost daughter who I'm hoping likes me." He said looking over at her as she smiled pushed her hairs behind her ear. "Wow... let me get a good look at you." He said turning to face her. She did the same looking up at him with a smile. "You're very beautiful." He said making her smile widen and she looked away.

"Thank you." She said looking back up at him and they just stared at each other for a moment in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence though it was more comfortable.

"You wanna get that DNA test?" Jensen asked and Julia nodded. They talked to each other on the way back to Jensen's car. He was driving her since Faith's mom had dropped Julia off at the pier.

While they waited for the DNA test to be finished (I don't know how long it takes, days? Minutes? Idk) they talked to each other about their lives. Jensen listened as Julia talked about her family. How they died. How Faith helped her through that hard time. He comforted her as she did which made her happy. Jensen talked about his friends and the show how it was. He also talked about how he didn't have a wife or kids. He told her how he smiled when he thought about having her as a daughter which made her smile.

Then the DNA test results were ready and the two held their breath. Both of them were okay with both options. Julia thought it was okay if he wasn't her father. She didn't want to burden him anyway. But she would be happy if he was too. Jensen would have been okay with her not being his daughter. But he liked the thought of having her as his daughter. She was a smiley, bright, smart girl. So both of them kind of hoped they were father and daughter.

"It looks like..."

it's a long road • DYLAN O'BRIEN Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora