New Relationships

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Finders keepers bitches!2,134,242 ❤️ | 1,936,234 ✉️

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Finders keepers bitches!
2,134,242 ❤️ | 1,936,234 ✉️

@LiaSmackles: is that who I think it is?!?!?

@codychristian: @LiaSmackles 😏

@tylerheochlin: who is it? @LiaSmackles

@hollandroden: so happy that you're happy sweetie

@tylerposey: 😱 my virgin eyes

@danielsharmen: do we know them? @LiaSmackles

@codychristian: @LiaSmackles don't say anything!

@LiaSmackles: not my secret to tell 🤭

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I like Calvin Klein 😍3,423,625 ❤️ | 1,982,716 ✉️

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I like Calvin Klein 😍
3,423,625 ❤️ | 1,982,716 ✉️

@havesome_faith: oh... my... god

@jensenackles: who the hell is that? Is that why you weren't home last night?

@codychristian: is that who I think it is?

@danielsharmen: tell us!!! @codychristian

@tylerheochlin: ^

@hollandroden: ^^

@mishacollins: ^^^

@lightinmyeyes: ^^^^

@kyleisthelight: ^^^^^

@LiaSmackles: @codychristian you say anything and I'll out you and your boyfriend

@codychristian: 🤐

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Unlike my daughter and Cody, I'll be straight up and say this isn't photoshopped

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Unlike my daughter and Cody, I'll be straight up and say this isn't photoshopped. Also, he's my boyfriend now. @mishcollins
4,245,636 ❤️ | 1,999,826 ✉️

@mishacollins: 😍

@jensenackles: 😘

@LiaSmackles: oh my god 😍 my dads!! I love you

@codychristian: what is straight about this?

@jaredpadelaki: @codychristian oh absolutely nothing at all

@havesome_faith: @jaredpadelaki 😂

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- wow, two updates... I'm doing good tonight. anyways the next few chapters might be the last. but they'll be good -

it's a long road • DYLAN O'BRIEN Where stories live. Discover now