Finding each other in the coffee shop downtown

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"Hey, V, can I get you the regular?"

"No thanks Remy, I think, I think I just need a good cup of black coffee."

"What's got you so sorrowful? Bad day?"

"Bad break-up."

It wasn't Logan's fault to hear the distressed individual's conversation, but it was the only thing filtering through his static thoughts at the time, and quite honestly that's the same reason he was here too.

"Roman broke it off? When?"

Roman? As in his Roman?

"No, I did. Like, just now. He was cheating on me, with my downstairs neighbor."

Shit, maybe it was.

"Wait, the librarian, the probable serial killer, or the high school teacher?"

"The high school teacher. I'm pretty sure Ro is waaay too gay to cheat on me with Deborah Bradley."

Logan stood up from his computer, coffee in hand and walked over to the purple-dressed man talking to the barista.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to express my condolences."

"Shit! Sorry, you're, um, you're the high school teacher."

"Logan, actually."


"No, it quite alright, I'd understand if you were upset. I was unaware Roman Sanders was dating you during our relationship together. If it makes any difference, he broke up with me around 12 this morning."

"Um, I'm not upset, at least not with you. Ro is a dick. I'm sorry we were both stupid enough to date the biggest flirt in Florida."

Logan gave a small smile, "Me too."

"Ya know, I'm sorry he broke up with you-"

"Don't be, he always said he was looking for, 'so much more in a relationship'."

"Yeah, that definitely wasn't us. The bastard never was satisfied, basically the human embodiment of that dumb Hamilton song."

"Roman being the embodiment of any musical song does not surprise me."

Just then, walked in a man looking close to tears, wearing a cat hoodie and holding presumably his glasses in hand.

"Hey, Remy." Said the newcomer.

"No, kiddo? What's got you down in the dumps, dad?"

"My boyfriend broke up with me," The stranger said close to tears with a fake smile.

"The cute guy from your work?"

"Yeah, said, 'our relationship is just caging me, I need to be free!"

"When did this happen?"

"On my way here."

"Oh, pumpkin."

"Just wish Roman didn't do it in public," Patton's face then turned disgusted, "And his brother was there."

Virgil almost immediately perked up, Really? Another guy? What is Roman looking for, a harem?

"Hey, Rem! Who's the sad kitten over here?"

"Virgil, this is my buddy, Patton. We go to college together. Pat, this is my best friend since junior year of high school."

"Let me guess, Roman Sanders?"

"How'd you..."

"You, Glasses over there, and I just got dumped by the same jerk."

"Roman was dating all of us?"

"Pretty much. Let me introduce you to Logan."

The three sat around, getting to know each other, and refilling coffee cups for about an hour until-

"Remy, you will never believe- oh, hello Virgil- and Patton... You two know each other?"

"We do now." Virgil quips.

"We just found out we have something big in common," muttered Pat.

"Who is this?"

"Oh, Lo, this is Remy's brother. He goes by Dee," said Virgil, "Dee, this is Logan, he lives in my building."

"Nice to meet you, now if you excuse me, I have to rant about my lying bastard boyfriend who just ended it with me."

Ten dollars it's Roman, mouthed Virgil to Patton, who almost giggled.

"Wait, your boyfriend, who?"

"The guy who I meet at Remus' party!"

"Remus' brother? I thought-"

Virgil almost screamed, "Someone pays up! I was totally joking, but I was right."

"Excuse me, Virgil?"

"Roman Sanders."

"How on Earth?"

"He broke up with us today as well," explained Logan.

"No shit!"


"Four guys, he was dating four guys, ridiculous."

"Come sit with us."

Then the door opened.

"Look at that, all my brother's boyfriends in one spot. Isn't this a sight!"

"Shut it, Remus."

"What? I thought we were friends, Virgie." He mocked.

"Oh, go shave your mustache!"

"What about Dee, huh? Got anything to say to me? Your dear old friend?"

"You're an imbecile."

"You're an imbecile for dating my brother!" giggled Remus.

"I hate you."

"It's mutual! Anywho, I outta go! I have chaos to ensue."

"That was the weirdest interaction I've ever seen."

"He wears green and black, like a fricking witch!"

"What an ass."

"What an eccentric."

The coffee shop seemed to settle into silence as the four looked at each other awkwardly. An emo, a nerd, a dad, and a snake. What would they get themselves into? Suddenly, however, Virgil coughed to get everyone's attention.

"I, um, don't really have a lot of friends, and this was... nice? C-could we do this again? Like, next Saturday?"

"Same time? Sure."

"I'm free!"

"Why not, losers," Dee smirked.

This might just be the best breakup ever.

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