Kissing boys and killing old romances

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The four decided to meet up before coffee, which meant they all walked in on the same seen. Roman kissing Remy. Not even a millisecond into it was Remy slapping Roman across the face.

"Do that in front of your boyfriend, asshole."

"Whatever, handsome."

Roman sauntered away, winking to the group of boys as they passed. The four grimaced, ordered, and sat down awkwardly. Suddenly, Virgil felt a burn claw in his chest and his breathing caught in his throat. He tapped Patton's leg twice, who responded by grabbing his hand and rubbing his arm.

"Hey buddy, it's all okay, Virgil. Can you breathe with me?" He lifted Virgil's hand to his chest, "In for 4... hold for 7... out for 8... Good! That's very good Virgil. One more time for me? 4... 7... 8... Great job, kiddo! You feel better now?"

Virgil nodded his head and leaned in closer to Patton.

"What got you so worked up?"

"Just, um. I started reliving my relationship with Roman."

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"That's okay, Virgil, this is a safe place," Logan stated.

"Yeah, dude, we were all in the same place." offered Dee.

Virgil took a large sip of his coffee before answering, "Yeah, okay."


It was about a year ago.

We met here actually, at the coffee shop. He was in a red leather jacket and ankle boots with a 3-inch heel, and he seemed so... Confident. I was entranced by it. He walked over to me laughing about how cute I was, practically curled up in a ball. We exchanged numbers and he invited me to some party I never went to.

After that, he asked me on a date. We went on a few before I asked if we were anything official. He told me we were exclusive, that one-of-a-kind romance and I bought his bullshit. 

Eventually, we started regular movie nights at my house. They were cute until he started making a big deal out of the Disney movies. That's when the playful banter started, we called each other dumb and mean names for fun. However, they got brutal when we fought, and we fought a lot.

He always disregarded y anxiety issues, so I began to repress, which just lead to bad depressive episodes. It wasn't exactly healthy but he never once hit me. And I always came crawling back just to hear the sweet nothings and praise he'd whisper in my ear when we were alone. It was good enough for me, and I thought I loved him. Then I saw him kiss Logan in the hall on my way to get the mail, and I knew it was all fake.

I waited for him to come over for movie night before I broke anything off. I wanted some kind of explanation, but I knew I wouldn't get one. I made a poster that said, "Congrats cheater, you're single now!" and waited. He was too shocked that I knew to actually say anything other than insults.



"Yeah, it sucks, but it's over now." 

Patton rubbed Virgil's arm in support and squeezed before letting go, "I get it, we didn't have a great relationship either."

"What do you mean?"


We dated for 4 months.

It all started at the library downtown. He parted the books and gave me some cheesy pickup line. I giggled, he told me I was adorable, and we hung out. We were slow, didn't date till 3 months later, and when we did we didn't kiss for another 5 weeks. Everything with us felt so natural and almost homemade, ya know?

We were something. Being with him was so soft and sweet and it made the world seem more exciting and bright and romantic. We were definitely worth the effort, at least I thought we were.

 But then he wanted to rush into sex, which I wasn't comfortable with. I thought we'd take that just like everything, steady and relaxed, right? I figured we'd keep a gentle pace. I trusted him, so we did rush into it, but it wasn't that enjoyable. I think he got annoyed with me when I didn't want to have sex. But I thought I loved him, so I never left.

He came over and softly broke things off out of nowhere. I cried a lot, I figured it was my fault. But now? Now, I am glad we broke up, he was getting so pushy and saying I was the selfish one. It wasn't right, he began demanding things out of me, trying to manipulate me. We weren't a good couple in the end.


"Jeez, Pat. That sounds awful."

"It's fine, I'm at peace with it now."

"He and I weren't good for one another either."

"Care to explain, Lo?"



It started a year and a half ago.

We met at a concert. I wasn't enjoying myself, but my roommate had dragged me there. He bumped into me and started hardcore flirting, and I brushed him off as an idiot. But when he started singing to one of the slower songs, I realized he was some romantic fool, but a charming romantic fool. And I fell in love with that.

At least, I thought that was love. We didn't bicker, we full-out fought all the time. But I enjoyed our debates, I thought to argue was intimate. 

We were a very passionate couple, we did everything with gusto and enthusiasm. Always either between fights or completely enthralled by one another. Nothing was half-assed in our relationship.

But soon, he got more frustrated with me. Calling me harsh names, threatening my well being, blaming me for false actions. I bit back with the same frustration. Eventually, fighting was all we would do, and we'd take it way too far to be in a happy relationship.

He broke up with me a week after he slapped me during a fight. I tried to convince him to stay, I even kissed him, we hadn't kissed in a while. But he insisted on breaking up. I was devastated.


"That sucks, I'm so sorry, kiddo."

"It's alright."

"I... might as well share while we're at it."


We had been together for 3 years.

We met through Remus in 9th grade but didn't start dating till an after-graduation party. It was a lot of him seeking validation from me and me seeking acceptance from him. 

It was very give and take. 

Eventually, he began to take more and more than I could give. But I just kept wasting myself away for him, I stayed in this dumb town because he wanted too. 

I just really relied on that acceptance he gave me.

I was really pissed when he broke things off, I had given that man everything to just get cheated on and cast aside. 

It was bullshit.

Complete bullshit.


"Roman is an asshole."

"Yeah, well, at least we got each other."

One chapter left!

Can you tell I was slowly getting more depressed as I wrote this? Well, I can tell, and this chapter is utter garbage.

Love y'all

~ Author-Chan

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