Complaining is the best form of bonding

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"I hate my job."

"Then why do it?"

"I love it."

"Dude, c' mon."

"No, I mean, I love teaching, but I hate the hours and I have this class 2nd period that drives me up the wall!"

"Lo, you just need another coffee."

"I doubt the third cup of caffeine will solve my employment issues."

"You're just thinking about this the wrong way, if you really need a break, try to make class more fun for yourself. Let your hair down, loosen up a little."

"It'll get the students more involved. I had this chem teacher from high school. Hated chem, hated it, I just didn't understand the material. This chick had a class chameleon named Stan that she let walk around on our desks or in her hair. Got a 98 on the final and passed junior year cause of her. I never once saw that women bored while she was at work."

"That sounds, strenuous."

"Just start small, L."

"I'll see."

"Well let me tall ya, school sucks right now. I love psyche, but I'm taking a class in astronomy. Tell me how that correlates to my major! What? Does the zodiac suddenly have scientifical merit? I'm failing because I can't memorize the damn constellations."

"Don't even get me started, Virge. I'm taking a class on religious studies and I'm majoring in nursing. I'm an atheist."


"Tell me about it, how about you? How's work, Dee?"

"A drag. The bar has been pretty slow, this group of homophobic asses comes in every Friday, but I almost have enough cash to quit."

"You're gonna quit working at The Buzz? Dude, you've been working there since Remy got their first tattoo!"

"That's the plan."

"Damn, what are you going to do afterward?"

"Not sure, I'll have enough money to last me a month before I have to find another job."

"Wait, you said homophobes come to the bar on Fridays? They know The Buzz is a gay bar, right?"

"I don't know man, they just refuse to tip me cause of my rainbow flag tattoo."

"That's cold, ironic, and fucking hilarious."

"You know it."

"Shit, I got to go. See ya next week?"


"I'll be here."

"As long as I'm not dead."

"Who are you kidding? You'd haunt the hell outta me if you were dead."


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