The groundwork for a friendship

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"I'm just saying, you'd look really cute without those silly glasses, babe."

Virgil was already having a tough day at school, and he certainly wasn't prepared to see his ex flirting with his best friend on his way to get coffee.

"Mhmm, see you're cute, babes, really. And I know you think your hot stuff cause your recently single after breaking it off with for of my customers. Great for business btw, thanks. But honey, this ride ain't open for fuck bois or open relationships. Go increase your haram at some other coffee shop, I no longer serve sleazeballs"

Roman leaves, but not before looking Virgil up and down and scoffing on his way past. Virgil calmly approaches the register, orders a chai latte (a little sweet for his taste, but god damn, it smells like Christmas). Making sure to compliment Remy on handling the situation. As he sat down, another customer entered, someone in a fuzzy lavender sweater and a pastel pink tennis skirt and- oh, OH. That was Patton, with his big round glasses ordering an iced green tea and some pastry.

Patton walked over casually like he wasn't the cutest thing in the damn universe to grace Virgil's presence. Usually people so- fluffy were so appalled by the dark emo himself. But Patton seemed happy to talk to him, it was odd but certainly welcomed.

"How've you been, Virge?"

"Decent. School is killing me, but decent. You?"

"Fine. I'm still not over the breakup, which is normal for me, but you'd think I'd be used to it by now. I'm not great at choosing boyfriends..."

"What'd ya mean?"

"I mean... Okay, The first relationship I was in, this was high school, it wasn't good for either of us. We brought out the worst in each other. My second boyfriend was toxic and abusive, but not physically, just mentally. So, I stopped dating for a while. Then, freshmen year of college, there was this kid I was into, and we started dating, and it was good for a year, and He was poly so I didn't bat an eye when he started dating this girl. Yeah turns out he wasn't as gay as he thought, which is no one's fault, I just wish he broke it off better. Then obviously Roman... Just not a good track record."

"Shit, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, I wouldn't have brought it up if I wasn't comfortable talking about it."

"Not sure why you'd be comfortable talking to me..."

"I don't know, guess you just seem like the right person to talk too, like maybe you'd understand."


Meanwhile, with Logan on his way, Dee seemed to catch him across the street. Logan looked sharp, in his button-up and tie. It was killing Dee with how attractive Logan was. He wore his hair gelled back, and his posture was straight, and he was always so professional. It made Dee melt, he was practically drooling. Thank god Logan was too blind to notice Dee's blush. 

Dee had just never met anyone so- put together. Compared to his leather jacket, combat boots, and old 'don't tread on me' shirt, he was nothing. Not to mention the teacher probably hated the snakeskin tattoo down his arm or the fact he wears really femme makeup. Just his whole style screamed bad-boy, and the nerd probably resented kids like him who drink late, make bad decisions, and work at bars.

"Hey, sucker, you on your way to the shop? Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all, now may I ask, how am I a sucker?"

"You work with high schoolers, sounds like a suck ass job to me."

"I disagree entirely."

"You were complaining about it last week, what changed?"

"Nothing changed. I simply love my job and I love those kids. I even took Patton's advice to make it more enjoyable."

"You bought a chameleon?"

"That was Virgil, and no, I figuratively let my hair down. I started playing kahoot with my classes, really wakes them up. I even decorated my room for the holidays."

"You put up Halloween decor?"

"Of course, some of my students even offered to stay after and bring things from home, it was quite the event."

"Do you always talk like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like a dictionary, like a teacher. Where are you from, cause you sure as hell ain't from Boston, I can tell by the way you walk."

"Well, actually I'm from Georgia."

"No kidding! You still got the accent?"

"Smooth as bu'ddah~"

"That is the single greatest thing I've ever heard!"

"Uh, we're here."

"Oh, we are."

The boys walked into the shop, practically bumping shoulders, as Virgil and Patton sit in a cozy silence staring at one another. Everyone sat down chatting away, refilling drink orders, and bantering about like the 20-year-olds they are. 

"Oh, I'm having a party next Friday, you're welcome to come, not a single straight person will be there. A good place to find a rebound."

"I'm not about that life."

"Parties or rebounds."

"Either. I got... uh, anxiety issues."

"Hey, that's okay, Virgie. There's no pressure!"

"Yeah, Virgie." snickered Dee.

"Never call me that again."



"It's fine, Pat."

"Well, I for one could certainly use a drink. So, I am in if there's alcohol."

"Good call, pocket protector."

"How about you, Patton? You in?"

"Sounds fun!"


"Let's exchange numbers and I'll get y'all the details."

Logan severly flinched at the word y'all, but with the smirk on Dee's face, no one said a word.

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