Parties are the place to fall in love

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Logan walked into Dee's house already 3 drinks in and ready to drink more. Maybe he had an issue, maybe he was verging alcoholic and alcohol poisoning, but he hasn't reached that point yet. And to him? That's what matters. At least he could hold his whiskey. What Logan wasn't ready for was Remus, shirtless and flirting with him. It had gone on for at least an hour and by the smell of his breath, Remus had been mixing a lot of drinks. 

"Why's that shirt still on, baby? Do you need some help?" Pouted the stinky trash child.

"I can assure you I don't want help from you."

"You just need some encouragement!" Remus then proceeded to give Logan a lap dance, who, by the look on his face, would rather die.

"Get the fuck outta my house." Out of nowhere, Dee popped into the picture.

"Ugh, you're no fun."

"You're an ass."

"Thank you! Ass is what I'm going for."

Logan piped up, "Are you also going for slutbag?"

"Yes, actually!"

"Jesus Crist, out of my house!"


Remus then left out the front door, but not before texting a certain someone where the parties at. Dee then dragged Logan to the bedroom so he didn't have to deal with any more bitches like Remus. 

"Sorry you had to deal with that, I did not invite him."

"It's quite alright, it's not your fault, and you handled the situation well."

"We used to be best friends, ya know? And then he grew up into a complete asshole. I left him in the dirt for most of high school, then I was invited to a graduation party at his place and met Roman. If I had known they were brothers... I never would have dated Roman."

"Damn, you started dating Roman in high school?"

"I stayed in this dumb town because of him."

"Shit, that is... awful."

"Eh. I'm over it."

"I can't imagine a childhood with Remus Sanders."

"This is going to sound off topic, but it's going somewhere, I promise."


"My dad died when I was ten. My mom started smoking three months later. My brother moved out to college weeks later. Remus was the only other kid who smelt like cigarette smoke on the playground. He had told me when his uncle died, his dad started drinking. We were just so similar, it was like it was meant to be, ya know? Like it had to be fate or something."

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, wouldn't be who I am today if it didn't happen. And I like who I am now. Besides, it could have been so much worse."

"That's very mature of you."



Virgil had shown up because he had literally nothing else to do, and boy was that a mistake. The first thing he noticed was Patton. He was dancing and singing and just looked so- free. It made him smile. As soon as he looked away and saw the crowds, and the people, and the voices, and just everything wastoomuchit'snotokay.



"You need to breathe. I'm going to touch you, okay? Just breathe."

Soon Virgil was being pushed into the bathroom and given instructions.

"Breathe for me, deep breaths. In for 4, hold for 7, out for 8. Good job! One more time, 4... 7... 8, good! Now, can you tell me 5 things you see?"

"Um, y-you, sink, mirror, bathtub, shower curtain."

"4 things you feel."

"Tile, wall, jeans, your hands."

"3 things you hear."

"You, me, fan."

"2 things you smell."

"Alcohol, and air freshener."

"1 thing you taste."

"The black coffee I had before I came here."

"Good, better?"


"Do you have panic attacks often?"

"In certain situations, yeah. This was a bad idea."

"It's okay, your okay now, that's what matters."

The two stared at each other for a bit. Patton took notice of Virgil's eye bags, his wide pupils, and- was that freckles? No way! He was kinda cute when you got a good look at him. Gray eyes, black hair with lavender tips, and those oversized hoodies made him look so small and vulnerable. Without all the edge and sarcasm he was- endearing.

Virgil took a good look at Patton's round bone structure, his button nose, and all those adorable features that made him want to smile and hug him and protect him with every little fiber of his being. Patton was just so innocent and enchanting and attractive. With his femme clothing, and doll blue eyes, and that fluffy curly hair. It so wasn't fair.

When Virgil realized he was staring, he blinked back and realized how close their faces had gotten. He blushed.

"Thanks for, uh, saving me back there."

And in response, Patton giggled this high pitch, confused, and amused giggle.

"Pat are you tipsy?" chuckled Virgil.


"Dear lord, what will I ever do with you."

"I don't know." He singsonged lightly.


Roman had entered the party immediately knowing what he feels like doing, getting totally wasted and fucking mess with his exes.

It started in the bedroom, he drunkenly walked in and made direct eye contact with Dee, and that made something boil in Logan's chest. Jealousy.

"Hey, baby, I missed you."

"Shut up."

"I bet you missed me too, huh. Missed us, missed this."

He pushed Dee on the bed.

"Yeah, totally." Dee rolled his eyes.

"Fine, be an ass." Roman kissed Dee's cheek, "I'm gonna find Pattie and Virge, bye Deceit," He grabbed Logan's tie and kissed his nose, "Bye Logie!"

And he was out the door.


"My birth name, my parents really hated me I guess. They where hippies too, wait till you hear my brothers name."

"I don't mind."


Roman completely barged in the bathroom, saw Patton and just went for it. He kissed Patton square in the mouth and- BAM!

Patton sucker punched that hoe.

"Get the fuck off me!"

"Whoah! What the fuck! You bitch!"

"You deserved it asshole."

Virgil was back in a corner hyperventilating, Roman was practicaly crying as his nose bleed, and Patton was livid.


And Roman sure as hell did.

Patton immediately turned around and calmed down Virgil, whose only response was, "That was badass."

And the night ended like that, unexpectedly, for those four.

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