Coffee and gossip make real friends

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The day had been slow for Remy's coffee shop. There had been an occasional customer, mostly after school teenagers and that one group of soccer moms. But what they were most looking forward to was his favorite group of weekly losers. About 2 minutes before they were expected, Remy prepared their drinks, one macchiato with whipped cream, two vanilla latte's (one with a shot of the darkest expresso they stocked), a green tea frappuccino, and a lemon cake pop. 

Surprisingly, Dee was the first person to arrive. 

"Hey, Rem."

"Sup, girlfriend!"

"I believe I owe you 8.35."

"Wrong. You owe me, 3.70."

"Actually, you're wrong. I'm buying Logan's"

"May I ask why?"

"Because I'm stupid, I'm in love, and he was sick last week."

Remy gasped, "My little Dee, all grown up and in love! Whatever shall I do!"

"Suffer bitch-"

Suddenly, Virgil walked in.

"Oh, hey Dee."

"Hi, Virge, you look different..."

Virgil was, in fact, wearing his traditional hoodie, but this one was a light gray with a baby blue cartoon cat on the back.

"It's laundry day. What are you doing here so early?"

"He wanted to buy Logan his drink because he ~loves~ him!"


"Dude, it's chill. I'm gay, you're gay, Logan's a hot teacher, I get it."

"Wait, what?!"

"Bruh, I'm kidding."

"Right, right. You're into Patton."

"Shut up! I am not!"

"Are too!"

Virgil pushed Dee back playfully just as the bell on the door rang.

"Play nice, kiddos!"

"Hey, Pat."

"Yeah, hey Pat~"

"Shut it, Dee!"

"What's going on with you boys?"

"Their just teasing each other."

"Well, none of that! It's time for tea."

"You mean coffee?"

"No, I mean the tea, the gossip, Roman has a new boy toy.'



"No way."

"Wa- OMG! Virgie your hoodie has a kitty on it! Ah! I love it!"

"T-thanks, Pat."

The bell rang the last time to signify Logan's entrance.

"Hello, Patton, Virgil, Dee, and Remy. I'll have-"

"Don't bother, Dee already paid for you."

"Oh, well that is quite kind of you, Dee."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. Patton has tea on Roman's new boyfriend."

"His name's Emile, he's a therapist, apparently he graduated two years early and lives about 4 miles from BU."


"Poor kid."

"What a hoe Roman is."

"Roman can suck it."

"Emile is smart, he can do better."

"You know him?"

"He was my roommate once upon a time."

"That's interesting, Lo."

Remy listened to them ramble on about Roman's shit for about 20 minutes before noticing smaller details. How Patton glance at Virgil and smiles that bit brighter, or how Logan's eyes widened every time he made eye contact with Dee. Yeah, he totally ships it.

"Hey, boys! Let me refill your orders, on the house."

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