2.New Maid

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I woke up in a room not in the place they had me locked up in and I started panicking because I didn't know where I was. I tried to recall what happened to me and all I remembered was the auction then everything went black


"Y/N! Help me!" I remembered Jennies screams

I need to find Jennie. I need to save her.

I have to get out of here

I threw the blanket off of me and swung my legs off the bed and tried to walk but my whole body ached I could barely move but I sucked up the pain and walked to the door. I grabbed the door knob and twisted it and when I got out I felt like I was walking around in circles because my head was spinning and the house was really big

I finally found the main entrance door and quickly ran out. As I was running I began to feel really light headed, I was getting dizzy about to pass out when an arm grasped around my waist, I looked up to try to figure out who's arm it was But my vision blurry and I tried to look at the person again but my head fell back and all I could see was black


I heard someone calling my name and telling me to wake up so I open my eyes and saw a man that looked older than me maybe by 5 or 6 years and wore a doctor's coat

he only smiled at me and I would be lying if I didn't say his smile made him look even more handsome "good! you're awake" he said

"what happened?" I asked sitting up while rubbing my forehead. I tried to gather my thoughts but all I could remembered was running out and someones arms around me

"you woke up before the drug wore off but no worries with the medicine I gave you, you will be back to normal in no time." he said with a warm smile

"thank you" I whispered as my eyes wandered to he's coat and saw the name tag


"you can call me Jin oppa. Also make sure to drink lots of water" he said before walking out

I sat up on the bed not knowing what to do when the door opened reaviling a tall brown haired dark eyes tall guy that looked older than me by 2 years and he was wearing a black and white suite, he walked in eyeing me the whole time which made me feel nervous.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, I'm the one that bought you" he said cheerfully. he looked so handsome that I couldn't put it to words.

How can someone be so handsome but buy someone with a smile on their face?

"you will be working for me from now on" he said

'what type of work' I was gonna ask but my mouth was very dry so I was unable to speak

"I got some rules 1. you are not allowed to leave this house by yourself 2. do as I say with no complaints and no questions asked" he says very seriously, I was still feeling a little drowsy so my head hung low.

'I need to leave'

'why is this happening to me'

my eyes started watering at the thought of being here for the rest of my life

he then came walking to me and lifted up my chin and looked in my eyes. I got shocked at the sudden contact and flinched a little

"and 4. look at me when I'm talking to you and when I ask you a question you need to respond in words and lastly, if I need to add anymore rules I will, and if you don't follow these rules you will be punished. tomorrow will be your first day, work starts at 9 AM not a minute later" he says and walks out

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