27. The truth

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as Jungkook was introducing Irene I was glaring at her, she made her way to and I couldn't even look at her

"are you upset?"

'am I upset?'

I scoffed at her question and took a step back


I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from BTS

"why didn't you tell me?"

she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms

"I didn't think I had to Mom"

'what the fuck is wrong with her?'

"you're my best friend we've both told each other everything since elementary school"

"everything? what about you and Taehyung? did you tell me?"

"you knew!"

"but you couldn't tell me yourself? aren't we 'best friends'?"

I was stumped I didn't know what to say

"so why didn't you tell me? why did I have to wait nearly 6 months to hear from you? why did you abandon me that night why-!?"


I began tearing up to the point couldn't even look at her I walked away passed Taehyung trying to hide my tears

I could hear his steps getting closer


I turned around and tried to put on the best fake smile I had

"please I need some time I'll be right back I promise"

he was hesitant but then let go of my arm and kept walking

5 minutes later~

I stopped walking and sat on the sand admiring the sea when a hand was placed on my shoulder

I looked back to see an exhausted Irene panting

"can I help you?"

she wrapped her arms around my shoulder and hugged me

"I'm so sorry I had no idea"

she began crying softly

I looked back at the ocean and sighed

"I really didn't want you to find out this way"

she sat right beside me and grabbed my hand

"can you tell me please"

I started tearing up as I looked at her. I took a deep breath and turned away

"that night that I disappeared I was crazy drunk and went out for some air when I saw this man pulling this girl into an alley. I could barely stand but I still went to help her. the guy dragged both of us to some underground bunker and prepared us to be sold...."

I took a really deep breath before speaking I was really ashamed of saying the next part

"Tae was one of the buyers and he bought me. I was his maid and I didn't get a phone until like 5 months after. he didn't allow me to have anyone's number"

when I finally stopped crying I looked over to see her in tears

"I'm sorry"

she grabbed onto my arms tightly before I got up and pulled her up with me

on our way back she was telling me how she met Jungkook at some party and thought he was a one night stand but they got to know each other and started liking each other and soon began dating and have been together for about a week

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