14. The End

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she had long black hair with dyes tips and wore a dress so short if she moved the slightest inch we would see everything.

I didn't know what to do so I stood their staring at them in shock. I felt so nouscieous, I wanted to run to the bathroom and vomit.

"I'll make this simple...."

his voice sounded so calm and gentle but it still scared me

"I found someone else so your service is no longer needed."

'My service?'

my heart completely stopped, my world stopped spinning, everything was in slow motion.

once I snapped back into reality all I wanted to do was disappear

I was practically begging to god praying that this wasn't happening, that this was all a dream.

'what do I say or do'

he sighed before speaking

"what I'm saying is you can leave your clothes are in that suitcase"

'no...no...god no..'

"the car is waiting outside the driver will take you anywhere you want to go"

I built enough courage to finally speak but it came out as a whisper, or a cry for help

"what was I? why did you say all those things?"

he didn't respond quickly as he usually does but he responded

"you were just an easy-fuck. I said all those things to get what I wanted"

even though he said that I still wanted to be held in his arms

"you used me. you should have never brought me back"

"I know"

my heart couldn't take this anymore I didn't want to see him or his girl so picked up my feet and grabbed
the suitcase and begin making my way outside

"by the way the maids deserve a break"

I said walking out

'stop me....please Tae'


all I heard was the sound of the front door slammed behind me

a few tear drops fell down my cheeks slowly

once I got in the car I couldn't hold anything in anymore. I broke down crying

I was gasping for air, my heart beat was speeding up rapidly. I became dehydrated but that didn't stop me from crying.

the driver probably got grossed out from me whipping my face with my sleeve so he handed me a tissue.

"so where to?"

'i don't know'

I gave him Irene's address and on the way there I silently cried thinking about Tae as I stared out the window

' did he really get tired of me? was he really using me the whole time? I hated him but wished he was right beside me'

''i didn't get to say I love you'' I lowly whispered before more tears started flowing out

once we arrived I grabbed my suitcase and respectfully bowed

''Thank You"

he looked oddly familiar but I was too light headed to think

I walked to the door and knocked

'hopefully she is home'

not a second to spear Irene was standing in front of me. seeing her made me cry even more I fell into her arms and cried on her shoulder

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