12. gone

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you were my first in a lot of things thank you. Hopefully in the future we see each other and say hi to each other and you can tell me all about your wife and kids and what your doing. it makes me cry thinking about you with someone else but i want you to be happy so go find someone to be happy with. I really hate to say it like this but I couldn't bring myself to say it face to face to you I know you don't feel the same way but I want you to know that I love you and goodbye Taehyung take care."

I need to find her I grabbed her phone and called chaeyoung hopefully she knows where y/n is but she knew nothing but she told me everything y/n told her

I should have taken her with me I need to find my father

I kept getting angrier and angrier

'why didn't she tell me'

'why is he doing this to me'

I threw the phone against the wall in anger I was so angry but that anger quickly changed to sadness once I saw the pillow y/n bought me I walked over to it and held it

"this isn't over I'm going to find you"


I heard the front door close and I quickly took out my gun and marched downstairs my father was with 2 men and I shot them dead in there heads 

"is that anyway to greet your dad I've missed you"


"what are you talking about?"

"don't act so innocent where the fuck is y/n"

"I don't know"

I walked over to him and hit him hard on the head with the bottom of the gun he blacked out and I took this opportunity to tie him up in the basement and call BTS to tell them what happened

10 minutes later~

everyone was in the basement with me surrounding my dad Jin and Namjoon were tracking y/n's activity but they found nothing my dad finally woke up from being knocked out

"Kim Taehyung is this really necessary over a girl really I thought I taught you better then this"

"where is she?"

"like I know"

jungkook pointed a gun at him

he flinched and looked at me

"Taehyung..... you wouldn't"

'what does he expect to gain from this?'

I looked at kook and he took the gun off safety

"I would"

'He got quite then looked down'

"where is she"

"for the last time I don't know"

He said angering me even more

"why are you doing this?"

"because she is getting in your way"

"the real reason"

"Because she got in the way of the marriage"

"do you think I'm incapable of making my own decisions I chose to cancel that wedding and it's not because y/n"

"do you think I'm that blind that I don't know that you love this women you look at her the same way I looked at your mother"

"your my dad you should be happy I'm in love"

"no because once she leaves you will be broken look at you now the gang life doesn't have room for love it always leads to death"

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