26. Responsibilities

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I didn't even know how to respond

he was right what was I thinking

"I'm sorry" I whispered lowly

I couldn't look at him so I looked out the window whimpering quietly my heart ached I felt terrible it was to awkward to even breath


I got inside and contemplate wether I should sleep on the couch or not but that wasn't an issue because as soon as we got home Tae went into his office I laid on our bed and cried silently

15 minutes later~

it was about 3 AM and Tae still wasn't in the room I finally decided to go talk to him

I knocked and waited for a response but nothing

'i deserve this'

I leaned my head on the door and shed a couple of tears

I tried to hold everything in but I couldn't I suddenly felt the need to throw up

I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up everything I ate before

I washed out my mouth and stood there staring at myself

"your so immature"

I began crying harder from throwing up and I stared at my wrist where the tattoo was and mentally slapped myself

'whats wrong with me?'

I washed my face and made my way to me and Tae's room but remembered he isn't sleeping in the room because of me

I wrote a note and slid it under the door of his study

on the note~

you can take the room I'll be in my old one sorry

I went into my old room and curled up into a ball before falling asleep

I woke up in the middle of the night with my stomach growling I checked the time and it was 5 AM I got off the bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen I was looking threw the Pantry's trying to find something to eat when I found macaroni and cheese I grabbed it immediately and began making it

I was trying to be extra quiet trying not to wake up Taehyung but when I grabbed a plate it slipped out of my hand



I kneeled down as quickly as I could while holding my stomach trying to clean up the mess

"what's all this"

I looked up to find Tae rubbing his eyes while starring at me

"sorry, you can go back to sleep-"

I suddenly felt the pain from earlier down in my stomach in an effort to keep my balance I placed a hand on the ground forgetting the broken plate

I looked at my hand to see red


I looked at Tae then back at my hand and lifted my hand off the ground

Tae suddenly had me in his arms bridal style and rushed me into the car and drove full speed to the hospital

the whole ride I was groaning and crying from all the pain I looked at Tae who was focused on the rode

"I know you're mad at me and probably don't want to talk to me but I want to say sorry"

"babygirl I could never stay mad at you, I thought you were mad that I yelled at you I wanted to apologise"

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