17. Gender?

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she looked completely shocked when I said that she wasn't saying anything

"hey strawberry are you okay?"


I sighed in relief

"of course"

she was smilling all on our way to the mall

"does Tae know?"


I began feeling a little down

"what happened?"

"I don't think he wants this baby as much as I do" I chuckled

"why do you think that?"

"before I told him he said he didn't want a child right now. and when I talked about decorating the babies room he sounded irritated what should I do?"

"just give him some time he will falls for this child just as he did with you"

I nodded

we got to the mall and a bunch of people was staring at us

a girl came up to us and started talking to me

"are you the girl Taehyung oppa dumped?"


I was gonna walk away till Chaeyoung pulled me back

"they're happily back together"

"really he didn't say anything about that"

he didn't?

I pulled Chaeyoung and headed to the baby section to buy a couple of stuff

"strawberry look"

"that's so adorable"

"I can't wait to have this child and Tae comes home from work like 'honey I'm home' and we sit and eat like a happy family"

"you guys need to get married"


I was embarrassed so much my face was bright red

"you both love each other, you both are gonna have a child so might as well"

"I don't think Tae is ready for that kind of commitment"

"what about you"

"100 times yes"

Kim Taehyung POV

"so Y/N is pregnant?"


"is it yours?"

I shot him a death glare

"fuck yeah it's mine"

"are you ready to be dad?"

"with y/n's child of course but I'm kind of worried about y/n"


"she's been having all these mood swings and she has been supper hard to read one second she is crying the other she is begging for my dick but she has been sad lately she thinks I don't want the baby she is weird"

"do you want the baby?"

"of course I want the baby"

"Taehyung sometimes you can seem cold all honesty I know you were happy to see me but you acted like you hated it I've been with you all my life so I can read you but y/n hasn't so try to show more emotion"

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