Grocery shopping

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"Harry let's go" you insisted. He was the one that wanted to go shopping and he was still sitting in the same place 10 minutes later.

"Ok babe I'm coming" he replied as he stood up slowly. You made a frantic gesture with your hands that showed him you wanted to hurry up. You had a photo shoot in an hour and knew it would take longer because you and Harry had practically nothing in the cupboards.

"I'm coming I'm coming" he said, raising his hands up, but still quickly stealing a kiss from you and tapping your bum as he walked past.

"You look gorgeous today might I add" he mentioned as you both climbed in the car.

"Thanks hun" you smiled, kissing him deeply until he suddenly pulls away.

"Y/N let's go!! Quick!" He mocked you from earlier. You poked your tongue out and backed out the drive.

* at the store *

"Babe do we need butter? Oh can we get some dip? Yeah dip sounds good. Oh but that means we need biscuits" Harry mumbled, clearly not seeking your opinion as he continued to throw things into the trolley.

You suddenly became conscious of the time, and the swarm of paps and fans outside, screaming yours and Harry's names.

You sighed. Harry noticed.

"Babe it's ok. You can reschedule your shoot" Harry reassures, wrapping his muscular arms around your shoulder and pulling you close.

Suddenly a voice came over the loud speaker: "Due to the swarm outside we are temporarily shutting the doors to the shop, until security can disperse the crowd we would appreciate your patience. Please remain calm and continue shopping in an orderly manner.

"I guess now I have to" you and Harry giggled to yourselves.

You went off to make the call as you saw Harry continue to throw pointless items into the cart.

"Babe do we need condoms?" Harry questioned a little too loudly for your liking. You facepalmed as he giggled to himself, "Was extra large too small last time?" He continued.

"Harry shut up!" You laughed and slapped his arm playfully.

After your cart was extremely full, you and Harry went through the checkout.

By the time that was done security had cleared most of the mob and they escorted you home.

"I love grocery shopping with you" Harry said looking deeply into your eyes. You love that about Harry, whenever he says anything, doesn't matter the importance he always looked so lovingly at you, sometimes you forgot what he was saying because you got lost in his eyes.

"Well I cant really relate because that old lady gave us a death stare when you started yelling about condoms" you explained as Harry let out a deep, raspy laugh.

"I love you" he admitted.
"And I love you" you said.

Harry kisses you and responded, "Just because you missed your photo shoot doesn't mean you can't do one for me? I'll judge your poses. Also we got those condoms so we're good to go" he winked.

You smiled to yourself. Your silly boy.

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