(5) silence before the storm

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*Thanks to TwentyOnePinetrees for the last chapter title, "every rose has its thorns". It doesn't really fit the chapter that much but it does very much fit where this story is going. I was listening to Something Just Like This on repeat for writing this so I tagged that, along with a photo that suits this chapter.

When I first started writing Level Up I would imagine all the paladins in Allura's basement, a little bit drunk. Shallura making out in the corner, klance talking away, hidge dancing, and Something Just Like This playing in the background. So this song means a lot to this story. It's what helped inspire me to continue the story, and gave me the idea of Allura's basement being the designated hang out.*

(2606 words)

May 6th

9:29 pm

katiehatesyou: hey guys, sorry you came to the hospital and couldn't see me. i'm home now

ayellura: shiro and i just found out an hour ago, but the others were there

leggylance: we were worried sick! we found out what happened from matt

shirogone: how is your dad

katiehatesyou: not good. but he'll pull through. matt wanted to come home early but mom is making him wait until finals are over at the end of the week

kmskeith: your dad is as strong willed as you are, he'll be fine.

katiehatesyou: yeah i know. i'm not super worried, just moderately worried.

ayellura: where's hunk? you'd think he'd be the first person to reply

katiehatesyou: i just got off the phone with him, he's all caught up and currently taking a shower

leggylance: oh okay. had me worried for a second

shirogone: how are you feeling?

katiehatesyou: honestly i'm a bit high off the pain killers they pumped me full of in the hospital. when i talk it's all slurred together, but my thoughts are coherent.

kmskeith: well at least there's that

ayellura: are you going to be able to come to school tomorrow?

katiehatesyou: yeah I think so. but if i don't show up don't be too worried. mom is trying to convince me to stay home. but i think i'm fine enough for school

leggylance: don't push yourself if you're not ready

katiehatesyou: i'll be fine lance. don't worry ♡

leggylance: if you say so

Keith and Lance put their phones down and Lance cuddled more into Keith's chest, the two of them sitting on the couch watching Queer Eye.

Keith ran his fingers through Lance's hair, "I told you she would be okay."

"I know," Lance nodded, "It's just better to hear it from her."

game over ❇ 'level up' trilogyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora