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I was layin in bed alone I started to cry I was a problem, I tried to cut and it hurt two-bit, I punched a tree and had to asked pony not to tell anyone
The door opened
"Hey you Okay kiddo?" Someone asked
I turned and saw pony and soda
"N-no" I said
Pony sat on the bed
"What's wrong" pony asked
I took a Deep breath
"Your eyes are red" soda said
"I'm a problem, got I almost made two-bit cry, only time I've seen him cry is when Dally died, I can't do this anymore, I punched a tree for god sake! Pony had a pull me away! Look at my wrist! Y'all try to stop me but I never did, even Dally was angry!" I said
Pony hugged me i hugged him
"Your not a problem y/n, your amazing, there nothin wrong with you" pony said letting of me
"Everythin is wrong with me, don't you understand" I sighed
"Im am a mistake" I said
Soda looked angry and sad
"Y/n you aren't a mistake, you make us happy. We care for you, a lot, your an amazing person, we all have flaws" soda said
"Your your own enemy" pony said
I sighed
"I just don't know how much more of this i can't take" I said
They were quite i fought tears back
"Do you think darry cared?" I asked
"Yes he just didn't show it" Soda said
I sighed
"He really cared about you, pony and Johnny" he said
"Do you think he would have liked the picnic?" I asked
"Yeah, I know Johnny would" Soda said
The door to the front door
"Anyone home?" A voice asked
Two-bit, Steve was probably with him
"Yeah!" Soda said
They walked into the room
"What's goin on" Steve asked
"Just talkin" I said
I stood up
I'm the shortest I'm 5'5
All the guys are like 6'0 or higher so yeah....I get get trough small places tho I looked up at two-but and hugged him he hugged me back I let go leaving the room I went to the bathroom I walked outside and took out a cancer stick I lit it
I looked in the back yard I remembered when we meet up then everyone leave I was Scott
I walked to him
He was layin in grass
"Hey What are you doin?" I asked
"Watchin Clouds" He said
I dropped the stick stomping on it I laid down next to him I looked
Over at him he looked at me
"Have you been cryin?" He asked
I looked up
"I can't do this anymore I've broke, I'm gonna end up killin my self" I said
"Hey, hey, no one is killin them selfs" he said
He sounded like two-bit
"It's all I need, would be better of without me" I said
He sat up and turned and looked at me
"Hey, this first time I met you you asked me to go to the store with you. When that son came on you had the biggest smile on your face so did your friend. I only gave a few girls in my family and they never smile, and you had just gone trough two death." He said I hugged him
"Thanks" I said
He took my hand

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