tranquility: chapter forty-three (+)

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Here's another update yall love you, pLS comment and vote


Two Months Later

Luke sat in the front seat of his mums car, he stared down at his legs, plural, he had two again. He smiled and lifted his jean leg up, revealing the metal of the prosthetic. "If I go to an airport would they take my leg and put it through the X-ray thing or just keep it on me?"

Liz laughed, "they will keep it on you, they'll understand."

Luke's phone buzzed in his pocket, he took it out and smiled at the text from Bryana, she wasn't at school anymore now that she was nearly at full term, she had a few weeks left still, she'd just woken up from all the babies kicking.

Luke smiled and texted her back some cute emoji's before the car stopped and Luke looked up, he was at school already. Oh. How grabbed his bag and opened the door, "I'll see you after school mum." Luke smiled at her.

"Be careful please, take it easy." Liz said.

"Will do."

Luke headed towards the school entrance, going inside, he felt weird walking normally again. Everyone stared at him as he walked towards his locker. Half way there someone called his name, he turned back to see Arz. "Hey." Luke smiled at her.

"Congrats." She said, "you seemed great."

"I am." Luke smiled, "it feels weird but I'll get used to it."

Luke stopped at his locker and texted his friends in their group chat that he was there. He hadn't told anyone about his prosthetic he wanted it to be a surprise for them all. "Hey I wanted to ask you something." Arz said.

"What's up?" Luke said, opening up his locker.

"I know you and Reece broke up, and I've liked you forever so I was wondering if you'd wanna go out for coffee or a walk at the park or we could watch movies at my place?" She suggested.

Luke licked his lips, "uh," he hesitated, then saw Reece down the corridor walking towards them. "Sure." He said, "gimme a minute." He then left her and walked to Reece, he grabbed his hand, "come with me."

Reece furrowed his eyebrows, "Luke? Since when the fuck could you walk?"

"Since last night, now come with me, we gotta talk." Luke said, dragging Reece inside the nearest boys toilets.

Luke pressed Reece up against the sinks, "something happened—"

"You can walk." Reece said, "I'm so proud of you, holy shit."

"Yeah I know, but Arz just asked me on a date." Luke said quickly, watching as Reece paused and frowned. "I said yes," Luke added. Reece's frown deepened.

"Why?" Reece questioned, "I thought we still had something Luke, that we would get back together once you got your leg."

"Reece this is gonna be one stupid date that won't evolve in to anything else." Luke told him, "you said she liked me but I never believed you."

Reece sighed, looking away from Luke. "Why would you say yes if you don't want it to go anywhere?" Luke just shrugged, which made Reece roll his eyes, "don't come crying to me when she tries to kiss you, or worse, try and fuck you." Reece then side stepped Luke and left the bathroom, leaving Luke frowning.

Luke left the bathroom, going to his locker again, Arz and Reece weren't there, but his others friends were. They all stared at him with wide eyes, "oh my god!" Michael yelled, "he has legs!"

Tranquility ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now