90. Work/Home

31 3 1

One and a half month later.

Green Cally, Korland.

"Jake, over here!" A brunette waved her hand to call his attention to her table.

Jake smiled when he saw her and headed towards the table.

"I went ahead and ordered a chicken soup for you." She said as she removed his backpack and sat down.

Jake paused. "Sorry?"


"You ordered a chicken soup for me?" He raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"Yeah, why?" The girl's eyes widened.

"Emily, are you not forgetting something?" He chuckled.


"I'm a vegetarian. You know that."

"Oh. Oh, you are? I thought since your sisters aren't, you wouldn't be either."

"Well, aside from the fact that you know my sisters better than you know me, let's get down to business? Which chapter are you lagging behind in?"

Emily sheepishly grinned and took her books out. "Just the whole subject, actually. My basics aren't clear."

"They'll be by 9PM." Jake sharpened his pencil and teared a page.

"Are you free till then, though? Aren't your sisters coming back tonight?"

Jake glanced up. "I told you that?"

"Huh? Y-Yeah, I mean, everyone knows.." Stacey tried to nervously laugh her way out.

Jake just nodded in realisation. He knew which category Stacey belonged to his in life. He had been adding lots of people to it recently.

Too bad, he thought to himself and sighed, I actually kinda liked her.


Audrey went to sit beside Kylie's seat on the plane.

"Kylie, hey, wake up."

Her eyes slowly opened and she breathed in deep. "Are we here?"

"Yes. Listen, I just got to know, it looks like you and Mom will have to go home directly without me and Vanessa."

"What? Why?"

"Just, some scheduling issues. My security checks and everything are already done by a manager at the airport. Vanessa and I just have to quickly head for the vehicle waiting for us outside-"

"Your luggage?"

"Jeff will bring it to the hotel."

"When will you come home? You said today was the only day possible and you're not even coming today?"

Audrey gave a sad smile. "That's what I'm saying. We might not get time to come home so this might be our goodbye."

"I understand that Mom is staying here now for Jake. But I can go back with you."

"Again, you have school and you've already missed more than half a year."

"I want to give that audition!"

"Kylie, please. You can give it later. It's not going away. Do we have talk about this again and now? We might not meet soon."

"We've not yet landed-"

"Vanessa and I will get off first. We'll go through a private exit and very quickly. We won't be able to talk once we land. She and I have only three minutes to get to our van."

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