Chapter 1: The Move

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???: "Ulrich?"

A mother and what appears to be her son named Ulrich are currently moving their stuff into an apartment complex.

Ulrich: "What? I just wrapped bringing my stuff up the stairs."

A young male wearing a black, plaid collared shirt with a grey t-shirt underneath, dirty blond hair, ash stained jeans, pale skin, teal sneakers, a bandage over his nose, and blue eyes enters the room.

Ulrich's Mom: "Is that everything?"

Ulrich begins going over a list in his head.

Ulrich: "Yeah, that's it."

Ulrich's Mom: "Finally: "

The living room they stand in doesn't have much besides a TV, a black, wooden table, and a small couch.

Ulrich: "You mind if I go visit Kyle?"

Ulrich's Mom: "Shouldn't you go to bed? You're going to school with him tomorrow."

Ulrich: "(awkwardly) Oh yeah..."

The time is 9:06 p.m.

Ulrich: "Well, guess I'll see him at school."

Ulrich heads off to bed.

Ulrich's Mom: "He's always been so quick to change his objective."

Ulrich walks into a room at the end of the hall.

Ulrich's Mom: "I just hope Kyle won't go flying off the handle..."

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