Chapter 8: No Direction

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A few days later...

A man with pale skin, rags for clothes, black glasses, messy, black hair, and looks like he hasn't eaten in a week is frantically searching through an abandoned PC.

Man: "(twitching) Where did you hide Project Black, Walker?"

He's looking for a file in particular.

Man: "(twitching) Oh we know that you would never delete the perfect backup plan if you failed against Aegis!"

He finds a folder buried in at least another 30 folders labeled, "Project Black."

Man: "(smirking) You hid it in the place someone would expect unlike what you wouldn't expect. Very clever."

He pulls out a USB from his pockets.

Man: "I'll show you what happens when you betray Hack 01."

He moves the file to the USB...


Ulrich, William, Roy, Zack, and Tori are currently having a talk just outside school.

Ulrich: "So our teams are heading in tomorrow?"

Tori: "Yep. The others are taking a mission off."

William: "But that shouldn't be a problem at all."

Roy: "It's not like having all of us just turns Tommorow's Reality into easy mode, but we like having at least a bit of a challenge."

Zack: "I mean, we can't even beat Rank 11."

Ulrich looks at his ID Glove with a slight smile.

Ulrich: "Tomorrow at 1?"

William holds out his fist.

William: "We'll be there."

The two fist bump.

Roy: "Alright, so we're just heading home?"

Tori: "Not much left to talk about, right?"

Ulrich starts walking ahead.

Ulrich: "Then we'll meet up at the usual spot tomorrow!"

Ulrich heads off with a smile on his face.

Zack: "I wonder why Kyle never talked about Ulrich until he showed up?"

Ulrich is out of sight.

Tori: "Probably a family thing, who knows?"

The others start to head out.

Roy: "We could ask him."

William: "I'd rather not."

They all head out, ready for what's in store for them tomorrow...

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