Chapter 12: Undersea Light

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A few days later...

Ulrich, Mira, Robert, Cole, Risa, and Yukiko are currently having lunch together.

Cole: "So uh... it's just us for Rank 4?"

Risa: "Sadly, yes. Everyone else had plans are we're lucky I'm here. Mom needed one of us to run errands with her and William gladly bit the bullet."

Yukiko: "I-I heard Anthony and Roy got grounded as well."

Ulrich: "And thus we've been hit with our greatest challenge yet."

Robert: "And it won't have a pretty ending."

The three ID Glove users head inside.

Mira: "This won't end well."

The others insert their ID Cards.

A short while later...

Everyone is currently surfing towards the Theta server, home of Rank 4.

Ulrich: "S-So wh-what does Theta look like?"

Robert: "Watch!"

Their boards are tipping forward.

Mira: "Wait, underwater?!"

They slip under the ocean's surface, but they're still breathing.

Ulrich: "How and why?!"

Cole: "Walker thought an underwater server would be cool."

Mira: "And make half of us panic?!"

Yukiko: "I didn't."

They're able to see an underwater city just ahead.

Risa: "Come on. We're almost there."

The second they arrive, they hop off their boards.

Mira: "So where's our daily dose of torture?"

Cole: "Just follow me."

They head into town.

Ulrich: "This is going to end up killing me, isn't it?"

Yukiko: "Doubt it! You two are crazy well at adapting!"

Mira and Ulrich awkwardly stare at each other.

Ulrich/ Mira: "If you say so."

They press onward.

A good while later...

The group is currently traversing through a complex of brightly colored coral reefs in search of Rank 4.

Cole: "Come out, come out wherever you are!"

Risa: "That won't get the boss to come to us."

Cole: "I can at least try. Better than nothing."

Mira puts on her monocle.

Mira: "But we can't be too far from the arena."

The path ahead grows wider and wider.

Risa: "Easily. If this doesn't scream of a boss fight, I don't know what does."

They move past several coral branches to find themselves in front of a large tower in the middle of a clearing.

Robert: "Bingo!"

They rush up to the tower to hear the cries of a large bird atop the tower.

Ulrich: "So it's up there?"

Yukiko: "Y-Yep!"

They head inside.

Mira: "Well, I hope you guys can keep up."

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