Chapter 11: What to Do

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Later that day...

Everyone is currently heading for the elevator in TRHQ.

Risa: "(sighing) Any idea on what this could be about?"

Cole: "Beats me. Usually he doesn't call us unless it's about a problem we already knew about."

Ulrich: "Wait, seriously?"

Edo: "Yep, but we haven't heard about anything of the sort for months."

They get inside the elevator.

Serena: "That's the scary part."

They're going up.

Mira: "But hopefully it isn't anything too serious."

They're at the top floor.

Robert: "I doubt it."

The door opens to reveal the distraught Walker.

Emily: "We're here Walker."

He notices the heroes.

Walker: "Y-Yes, come in."

They step inside.

Anthony: "What's going on?"

Walker: "... I'm afraid that I need to end my own life."

Everyone is beginning to panic.

Caleb: "Wh-Why?!"

Walker: "One of my former subordinates has located my last ditch plan to destroy Aegis."

Most of them are confused.

Kyle: "From your Hack 01 days?"

Walker looks towards William.

Walker: "It's Nyel, he was our Spellcaster and the one William was fighting during our final assault on Delta."

Roy: "Wait, what?!"

William recalls the entire fight.

William: "So what's this last resort?"

Walker: "It's codename was Project Black, a virus that absorbs all electricity that it finds."

Yukiko: "Wh-What?!"

Walker: "If released, it will cause a worldwide blackout before..."

They all tense up.

Micheal: "Before...?"

Walker: "(darkly) ... before it discharges every volt of electricity into an explosion equivalent to the meteor that destroyed the dinosaurs."

They all flare up at the thought.


Walker: "It wasn't supposed to go that far! When creating it, it had become unstable and barely controllable!"

Asaka: "So you just locked up the virus, but this Nyel found it and he's using it as blackmail to get you to off yourself?"

Walker: "He's given me one week before he unleashes Project Black in full force."

Everyone looks towards Walker in horror.

Mira: "So what are we supposed to do?"

Walker: "I've already started analyzing where Nyel's transmission came from, if you can get Ulrich and Mira to a higher Lv by the time we locate him, then we can apprehend him and get a hold of the terminal he's using to control Project Black. He more than likely ironed out the control problems since he just used it for a moment on this building just a few hours ago."

Tori: "Gotta love having time crunches."

Isabel: "One week isn't enough time to get them through Silver Tier at least."

Walker: "Luckily, the virus takes two months to gather enough electricity and Tomorrow's Reality's power source have been protected with complex firewalls, so it, the Login buildings, and ID technology should be fine."

Everyone awkwardly stares at each other.

Zack: "We're on it."

A new goal has been set, get Ulrich and Mira to climb up the Ranks so that they have enough strength to fight against Nyel to stop Project Black.


Nyel is currently in a discussion booth with two familiar faces.

Nyel: "Austin and Aegis, I've come here for one small favor.

Aegis: "What? We've lost nearly everything."

Austin: "What can you even do?"

Nyel holds out an ID Glove and ID Card.

Nyel: "Can you transfer what little power you have left to me?"

Austin: "And why should we do that?"

Nyel: "(smirking) I want Walker dead as much as you."

The other two look at each other.

Aegis: "Who are you exactly?"

Nyel: "(smirking) Walker's former right hand man."

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