Coffee Shop (YugBam)

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Coffee Shop AU!

“Youngjae he’s cute~” I whispered across the table. “Should I ask for his name?”

My friend rolled his eyes. “He’s wearing a name tag.” Youngjae deadpanned.

“I can’t read Korean from this far!” I protested.

Youngjae shrugged. “Guess you’ll have to get... Closer~!” He snickered suggestively as I threw a pen at him.

“Why are you throwing pens at Youngjae?” Jackson asked as he plopped down in the chair next to me. “I want a turn!”

Mark rolled his eyes as he sat in Jackson’s lap.

“Because he’s being rude.” I huffed. “Get a room you two. I’m going to order coffee.”

“Not bubble tea?” Jackson teased. I picked up the pen off the floor I had thrown at Youngjae and chucked it at him.

In line, I watched the cute coffee guy. He was tall- taller than me anyways. He had brown hair and was dancing to the music that played in the cafe while he worked.

Freakin’ adoreable...

“Sir? Sir! You’re next!” The guy at the register called. I smiled in apology before rushing up. His name tag read ‘Jinyoung.’

“Sorry, can I have a medium coffee? Just like, the regular way you make it I guess.” I said as confidently as I could. He nodded and typed it onto the screen.

“An upgrade to large is only a little more. Do you want a large?”

Heck, if I’m going to pay for overpriced coffee, I might as well do it in style.

“Sure.” I paid him and went over to where the cute guy was putting drinks on the counter.

“BamBam?” He called out as he set down a tall cup. I tried not to look dumb as I smiled and walked up.

“Thanks!” I read his name tag. ‘Yugyeom.’

He smiled back at me. “No problem.”

“GET IT BAMBAM!” Jackson yelled at me.

Cute coffee boy- Yugyeom, blushed. I flushed and grabbed my coffee quickly, muttering a quick apology.

“I hate you guys so much.” I hissed angrily. “You’re jerks.”

Mark flashed me a ‘charming’ smile. “Jackson lost at dare.”

“I would have done it anyways....” he muttered. I hit him on the head with a glare.

“You made him so sad, look.” I pointed to Yugyeom, who wasn’t dancing to the cafe music anymore. He just made coffee dully with a small pout.

“Whoops...” Mark muttered.

Youngjae took out his phone and began fooling around on it.

“Hey, Bam.” He said, tapping his screen a few times. “Look at this.”

I glanced over at the tiny screen Youngjae was holding and dropped my coffee all over my lap and table.

There were two (TWO!!!!!) giant ass spiders displayed on it. I could tell he was trying to figure if he should laugh at my fear, help me get napkins or run.

“I’m killing you, Choi Youngjae!!!” I glared.

Jackson and Mark laughed but handed me a few napkins. I got some of it off my jacket and pants... but it will be forever stained.

Rip my expensive jeans...

“Excuse me sir?” Someone behind me asked. I whipped my head around and stared like a deer caught in headlights.

It was him.

Yugyeom, I reminded myself as I saw his name tag again. Did I really forget his name in that short a time? Up close his brown hair was practically gold and I couldn’t stop staring at it.

His lips started moving and I blinked again as I was transfixed. His voice was sweet and smooth, like a lullaby. Did I look like an idiot staring like that?


Stylepoints reduced to 0.

“Bam!” Mark scolded as he nudged me back to the reality where I was drenched in coffee. “He was asking if you needed more napkins. And help, by the way.”

The most I could muster to that was a weak nod in embarrassment. I rushed away from the table quickly with my now empty coffee cup and threw it in the trash can. I made sure to take a long time walking once I got a safe distance from the table.

When I got back, Yugyeom was done cleaning up my coffee mess. He’d ran off to the register to avoid me. I took my ~ruined~ jacket off with a disappointed sigh and tied it around my waist to hide some of the stain.

Stylepoints increased by 0.0000000001.

No one's POV

Youngjae looked guilty as he avoided eye contact. Mark and Jackson gave the younger looks of pity.

“I feel bad...” The otter muttered, frowning.

“Nah, it’s fine. Just owe me a new pair of pants.” BamBam said as dismissively as he could.

Youngjae nodded. “Yeah, and I think I scared off your only chance at a guy...”

BamBam glanced over to Yugyeom and saw him pointedly looking away.

The Thai blushed and glared at him. “What’s that supposed to mean??”

Mark and Jackson snickered and BamBam felt slightly better about the whole situation.

Youngjae scribbled a note onto BamBam's old receipt. "Let's get out of here... We've caused a lot of chaos already. Plus, I need to get BamBam new pants."

The four of them agreed and grabbed their things before pushing in their chairs.

Youngjae casually put the receipt in the tip jar with a few dollars.

"Thank you!" The guy named Jinyoung cheered.

Youngjae nodded and caught up with the others outside.

Jinyoung rolled his eyes when the door closed. "Ugh, those customers were the worst. They were so rude to make such a ruckus!"

Yugyeom shrugged. "They were just having fun... I feel bad for the boy that spilled coffee on himself...."

Jinyoung looked at the tip jar. "That guy left a good amount... What's this?"

Jinyoung showed Yugyeom the receipt with his name on it.

Yugyeom flushed as the elder smirked.

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