Student Council pt. 2

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This is part 2 of the Student Council Vkook AU!!!

A few weeks later.....

"Oh, vice president, what are you doing here?" 

Taehyung looked up and saw the infamous bad boy of his school, sitting on the edge of the building's roof. 

"I usually have to patrol around campus... Why are you here?"

"I ran away from this group of girls.... Seriously, those girls are scary." Jungkook sighed as he stretched. "Hey vice president, I'm bored. Why don't we skip school and go out together?"

The vice president gasped. "I would never ditch school!!"

Jungkook laughed at his reaction. "Of course you wouldn't. You goody two shoes."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. 

"How's about after school then? Let's go somewhere. I got nothing else do to. We can go on a date or something."

A d-date?!

"Yes, a date. I mean, why not?"

Taehyung covered his mouth. Shit I said that out loud....

"I kind of confessed to you anyways..." Jungkook looked the other way, his cheeks slightly a shade of pink. Taehyung couldn't help but think that it was a little cute.

"You don't have to give me an answer right now about how you feel....." Jungkook said under his breath. "Don't you like guys, Taehyung?" Jungkook inquired.

Taehyung nervously fixed his sleeve. "Well... Not everyone knows that I do."

"We're in the same boat... I'm bi." He jumped down from the ledge of the roof. "So are you free after school?"

Taehyung was going to say some lame excuse but accepted his offer. 

Jungkook smiled. "Okay, I'll meet you at the gates." Jungkook walked away, tossed a bottle into the trashcan and went down the stairs. 


"So what are we going to do?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook shrugged. "You can chose."

Taehyung was surprised that Jungkook was calm like this. He thought that the boy was stuck up, arrogant and stubborn, as the rumors of what he does tells things about his personality. But Jungkook is relaxed and laid back.

As Taehyung thought what they could do, he suddenly remembered something.

"Oh crap!" Taehyung face palmed. 

Jungkook tilted his head. "Something wrong?"

"I forgot that I have to do something.... I'm sorry Jungkook, but I have to go back to the building."

"I'll go with you."

Taehyung blushed. "Are you sure?"

"Seriously, I have nothing better to do."

The vice president shrugged. "It's not that fun, but okay."

The two boys walked into the building and entered the school's office. No one was there, but they went into a storage type of room.

"As vice president, this is what you have to do?"

Taehyung nodded as he was grabbing boxes and taking out papers from them.

"Being in the office gives me bad vibes."

"Because you always get sent to the office?"

"That's right~!"

Taehyung chuckled. Jungkook sat on a chair and watched him.

"Jungkook, can you grab that box over there?" Taehyung pointed to the box on the desk.

"It's so far... Why can't you get it?"

Taehyung narrowed his eyes. "I'm the VP! Do what I say!"

"Okayy." Jungkook didn't protest and did everything Taehyung told him to do.

It surprised him. Taehyung eventually realized that telling Jungkook what to do was a good idea. He did everything with ease.

He really is good at everything...

"Thanks Jungkook, I'll do the rest."

Jungkook laid back in a spinny chair. "You're welcome~"

Taehyung did the rest of taking out documents and sorting them. Jungkook would watch the vice president.

The vice president sensed that he was staring, and ignored it. He put boxes in a pile next to Jungkook's chair.

Jungkook put his legs on the boxes. "Thanks for the leg rest."

Taehyung giggled, and Jungkook did too.

Taehyung started to recognize the small things about Jungkook: The mole under his lip, his cute front teeth, the small scar he has on his cheek.

He was very attractive in his eyes.

When Taehyung was grabbing a box by Jungkook, he couldn't help but lean in and kiss him. His lips were surprisingly soft.

Both of the boys didn't move, not knowing what to do next.

Taehyung moved back, suddenly realizing what he did.

Jungkook was the most shocked.

"O-oh! I-I'm... Uhh... I didn't– err...." Taehyung was rambling.

The bad boy's ears were red. He got up and grabbed the box from him, put it down, and placed his lips again on his.

Taehyung could tell that Jungkook has kissed before, but it felt as if he was being submissive to Taehyung.

The elder held his face, slightly deepening the kiss, but it was still innocent. Jungkook let Taehyung be dominant, and take control of everything.

Jungkook was the first to pull away. Both of the boys' eyes met, and they couldn't help but smile.

He hugged Taehyung, leaning his head on his shoulder. Taehyung smiled, and pulled him closer. His fingers would brush through his hair, making Jungkook melt into the hug.

"So is your answer a yes?" Jungkook hummed.

Taehyung nodded, and nuzzled his nose into his hair.


"YAH! I TOLD YOU NOT TO KISS PRETTY BOYS!!" Jin hit Taehyung on the back.


"Namjoon is beautiful, not pretty!"

"I heard that!!" Namjoon hollered from the other end of the classroom.

Taehyung sighed. "I kind of liked it...."

The secretary was chuckling to himself as he watched his computer.

"It's rare to hear Yoongi laughing." Taehyung teased.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Shush. You guys should see this."

Jin and Namjoon huddled by the computer and started laughing and freaking out. 

Taehyung tried to get a glimpse by the computer, but failed. "I wanna see!"

"YOU GUYS KISSED FOR FREAKING SEVEN MINUTES!!" Yoongi stated, clicking with the mouse.

The vice president blushed. "W-what?!" 

He finally saw the computer, and it showed the video that the security cameras recorded in the storage room...

It was two hours long.

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