meeting him again

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Jaemin waited for his mother to tell him her "oh so big" news with his arms crossed on the couch. He seriously thought his mother needed more friends. Why was Jaemin always the one she had to spill her drama to? She seemed more giddy than usual as she stood before him, staring anxiously at the front door.

"You do know I have homework to do, right?" Jaemin reminded because he had already been sitting there for ten minutes without any explanation. His mother sighed.

"Fine, I'll cut to the chase. Do you remember our old next door neighbors?" Jaemin racked his brain for the memory.

"Hmm, if you're talking about the Lee family then yeah?" The hint of question was in the air and his mother only clapped excitedly.

"Ah well, I received news that they were finally back in town and well-" Just then, there was a knock at the door. "That must be them!" She ran to the door, taking a deep breath before opening the door with a wide grin. "Hana!" She bellowed, engulfing the other woman in a hug. The woman greeted her with a warm smile.

"It's so nice to see you again." Hana said, looking pretty much as she did all those years back. Her hair was longer, brown dulling around the roots. Her face had aged minimally and when she smiled it reminded Jaemin of Jeno.

From what Jaemin remembered, Jeno was a prepubescent kid who was all giggles and doe eyed wonder. Jaemin teased him endlessly for always being so gullible, laughing whenever the boy took something way to seriously. Jaemin remembered the boy fondly and was very curious to see how he turned out. He didn't have to wait long to find out.

"Oh my, Jaemin has just sprouted, hasn't he?" Hana noted, Jaemin thinking back to how short he once was. "He looks to be taller than Jeno." At the mention of his name, Jeno popped out from behind, Jaemin losing all coherence. Before him was no longer that prepubescent boy, but a young man. A very, very attractive young man who looked a lot like the Jeno Jaemin remembered, but seemed to have new charms of his own

"Jaemin!" He called, crossing the room with quick strides. Jaemin was shell shocked, staring at the young man in front of him with wide eyes. Who allowed Jeno to grow up? And so well too. He still had the same smile, but his jawline was more defined, making it look more like smirk. Jaemin gulped. "How are you?" He went in for a hug and oh. His body was sturdy pressed against his. He must be working out. When he pulled away, Jaemin was face to face with such beauty, he almost wanted to cry.

"Jaemin, don't be rude." His mother's voice was what brought him out of the daydream, coughing to clear his throat.

"I- uh, I'm doing well."He finally managed, still looking at Jeno with wonder in his eyes. He couldn't believe the boy in front of him is the same preteen boy with squishy cheeks and awkward limbs. He seemed so confident standing before him and Jaemin almost didn't know what to do with himself.

"That's great to hear." Jeno happily replied, still all smiles. Jaemin was transfixed.

"Jaemin, why don't you show Jeno to your room? I'm sure you two would love to catch up." He knew his mother was hinting at him to leave the room, but he was honestly still a little dazed to the point where he still couldn't form sentences. So he jutted his thumb behind him and moved in the direction of his room, hoping Jeno would understand. It seemed he did as the two walked into Jaemin's room.

"Your room is different." Jeno took notice, eyes roaming the room with awe. Jaemin had repainted his walls last year. He also put in a desk, said desk holding his computer and some framed pictures of his new friends. Jeno picked one of them up, fond smile as he saw Jaemin's pose. "That's still you signature funny face." Jeno commented, Jaemin's pose being one he used even back in the day.

"Ah yeah." And why was he being so awkward. Back then he was always the talkative one, the one with all the stories, now he was quiet, nervous as he watched Jeno glance onto his bed.

"No more Mr. Bear Bear?" He asked, the empty bed a sign that Jaemin finally parted with his childhood bear.

"Probably in my closet somewhere." He pointed offhandedly, trying to think of something to actually say. "Had to hide him from Haechan or he'd have a field day with that news." Jeno laughed and his laugh was just as bright as ever, maybe a little deeper in pitch. It made Jeno feel some type of way.

"I always thought it was cute." An unexpected pink rose to Jaemin's cheeks and he turned away, hoping to find something to distract himself.

"Do you want to play Mario Kart?" Jaemin asked when his eyes landed on his gaming console.

"Sure." So Jaemin set up the game, patting the spot next to him on his bed without a second thought. It was only when they were in such close proximity that his heart started racing again, hands sweating just a tad from Jeno being so close. He chose to ignore it for now, focusing in on the game.

In the amount of time they had, they managed to get back in the swing of things, Jaemin feeling less awkward as they had a few rounds.

"You might be older, but you still suck so bad at video games." Jaemin cackled, watching as Jeno was still trying to catch up the cpu racers. Jaemin had long won and Jeno was still crashing into the side of things. Jeno whined.

"It so not fair. I play everyday and I'm never this bad."

"Maybe I just make you nervous." Jaemin began to laugh nervously at the thought of his words, wishing very much that he could take it back.

"You were always good at it." He wasn't sure if he meant that about Mario Kart or about the making him nervous comment. He chose not to ask. Just then, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He shimmied it out of his tight jeans, skimming over the text briefly.

Why weren't you on the skype call tonight? It was from Mark and Jaemin checked the time seeing it was almost nine. He hadn't realized so much time had passed.

Someone's over.

Who? All you're friends were on the call. Jaemin scoffed.

Don't act like you know all my friends. Jeno peeked over, wondering what had Jaemin so distracted.

"Your girl checking up on you?" Jaemin had to laugh then, shaking his head at the mere thought.

"God no, that would have made my coming out pointless." Jeno nodded, seemingly in thought.

"You like boys then?" Jaemin nodded, a little worried about what Jeno was thinking. "That's something we have in common." Wait, what? Jaemin would have never guessed. Jeno was far from 'gay' if he remembered him right. He was a lot more macho back then, all wrestling and monster trucks. Thinking back on it, Jaemin wondered how they even really became friends. Jaemin was so different as a child, so eccentric and loud and always wanting to color. He had to give mad props to his mother then. She probably forced poor Jeno into friendship with her son. Though, he might have to reconsider. If that were true, Jeno wouldn't be sitting here acting like he was having worlds of fun. Maybe he was just that nice.

Jaemin remembered Jeno being nice, super nice. He was like an angel. He shared all his things with Jaemin and gave him cookies from his mom's cookie jar. He liked to act like he was his knight in shining armor a lot, Jaemin remembered that fondly. He would walk around like some tiny bodyguard, telling kids to be careful if the were barreling toward them because of games of tag. He once jumped in front of a dodgeball for Jaemin, telling him he deserved to the be the one hurt not him.

Suddenly, it dawned on Jaemin how sweet Jeno had always been and feelings were stirring, feelings he didn't think he really had before. Sure, he was fond of the boy, but never so fond as to think he might have been crushing on him. Not once had it crossed his mind back then. Yet, seeing him here again, older and more refined, Jaemin thought that maybe it could be a possibility, judging by the way his heart started racing again.

A knock at the door, startled him, Hana poking her head in. "Jeno we should go, I have work early tomorrow." Jeno stood up, handing the remote off to Jaemin. Their fingers brushed and Jaemin was almost sure Jeno wanted it to happen.

"I'll see you some other time." He whispered, because he was standing really close to Jaemin, like in his personal bubble. He seemed inches away and Jaemin almost forgot how to breathe. It wasn't until he gasped that Jeno cracked a smile, moving away and leaving the room.

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