thinking about him

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"I'm telling you, he was different!" Jaemin protested the next day at lunch. He'd sat down with Mark and Haechan, telling them all about his encounter with his old neighbor and how Jeno had pretty much been all he had on his mind since last night. "I mean he was never like this before, he was a nervous little thing back then. He was- he was-"

"A little kid. Kids grow up. Face it, you like him now." Haechan rattled off, munching away on his pb&j. "I mean why else would you be telling us this if he didn't mean something to you."

"But, he's like a little brother. Well was like a little brother, now he's just-" Jaemin thinks back to their hug and how much stronger he seemed. It was only slightly attractive... okay maybe loads of attractive. "What if I never see him again?" Jaemin gasped out because in the midst of this all he's realized that he never even got the boy's sns or phone number. He was over dramatic as he thumped his head on the table, wishing he had somehow acted more like himself yesterday. Seriously, Jeno had him under some spell or something. He's never ever acted like such a dud, especially in front of a cute boy. Oh God, he did think Jeno was cute.

"I say you ask your mom. She's the one who invited them over in the first place." Haechan might have a point but Jaemin didn't want him to know that so he just kept his head down, thinking that the first thing he would do when he arrived home was interrogate his mother.

Though it turned out to be much different as his mother was waiting for him when he got home with a plate of cookies and hot chocolate. Jaemin was immediately suspicious. His mother only ever did that when she wanted to convince Jaemin of something. He was sure to be in for something crazy, but his mother made the best cookies so he sat down at the kitchen table.

"So, how was your day with Jeno yesterday?" Jaemin bit into a cookie, nodding slowly.

"It was alright, he was pretty much how I remembered." With maybe a few inches on him and a killer smile. His mother did not need to know that.

"Listen, I have a favor to ask." Jaemin knew better than to think his mother could ever be nice for one day. "Hana is going out of town for the month." Jaemin nodded again, trying to gauge where this conversation was going. "She didn't want to leave Jeno alone for so long so I offered up a place with us." Jaemin sputtered, coughing up cookie bits as he called for water. His mother rushed him some cool water, Jaemin struggling to swallow. Was his mother really saying these words right now?

"Jeno will be living with us? As in Jeno in this very house? With us?" He might have repeated himself too much and his breathing was still ragged, but he just needed a clear answer.

"I thought he could share your room, you guys always loved sleepovers." Putting that aside, Jaemin wasn't sure he could handle that now. With this Jeno, this very hunky Jeno - who made a nervous wreck of him with so even a glance- he would not do well.

"I- can I think about it?" His mother looked frazzled, laughing awkwardly.

"I didn't think you would have to-" His mother's words died out as a knock sounded. She went to open the door, two voices carrying through the room. Voices he had heard just the day before. "Hana, welcome, again." He heard them laugh and then he heard Jeno asking about his whereabouts. Jaemin almost wanted to bolt away. "He should be in the kitchen." Jaemin really wanted to run now.

But he stayed put, eyes fixed on the door until Jeno was popping in, big smile on his face. "Hey." Jaemin waved, shyness returning full force. What was it with Jeno making him this nervous. He had a bag slung around his shoulder and he adjusted the strap, nodding his head. "Guess we'll be roomies for a while." He stated and Jaemin just about collapsed at the mere thought. This was happening, this was real. Jeno would be living with him.

and again i find you - nominTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang